Chapter 23: Bat Backup.

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"Okay here's the plan." Damian started. He brought up the map of the warehouse Talia was in.

"The warehouse has 3 entrances. The front, the back, and the side. Beetle and Beast Boy attack the side entrance. Wonder Girl and Raven attack the back entrance. Nightwing and I will handle the front door. Starfire once one door is opened rush in and ambush the guards inside. Then we meet inside and take down mother together. Be reminded that the league has good weapons so be prepared." Said Damian.

Everyone was listening intently on the plan. They don't want to fail again.

"To make sure we alert no alarms I will release a EMP to hot wire the electricity of the cameras and alarms." Nightwing chimed in.

"We take off in 5 minutes." Kori announced. They nodded and left.

Raven noticed Damian not moving from his spot. She felt stress from him. I mean who isn't stressed right now.

She decided to reassure him. "Hey, this will work." Said the empath walking to her boyfriend and placing her hand on top of his. "I know it will." He said then kissed her cheek.

After that she left to prepare for the mission. Leaving Damian alone.

He realized his father needed to be a part of this. So he called him. When he picked up he went straight to the point. "Father, we are going to have a fight with mother today. I just want to let you know."

"I know Damian, Dick told me just now. Remember Damian justice not vengeance." He reminded him.

"I know father. Goodbye." He said then hung up the call.

He got prepared for the battle.

After a few minutes....

They were all in the common room. Prepared and ready. Once everyone was there. "Ready?" Kori asked.
They nodded.

"Titans Go!" She yelled.

Everything was going right on plan. The guards inside and the ones in the entrances were down. Some had injuries but can manage. The only ones left were the ones with Talia.

Once they were complete they headed where Talia was.

Once they barged in you can definitely see the shock in Talia's face. Starfire noticed devices on their sides. "Titans watch out!" She warned but it was too late.

The devices released force fields around them and surrounded them. They tried to use their powers and skills.

"Don't try it. That's a power dampening force field courtesy of McCulloch Technologies." Talia said going towards them.

"How did you know we were coming?" Robin asked with a glare. "I didn't, the League of Assassins is always prepared for everything." She said.

They tried their very best to escape but it was no use.

Suddenly the roof blew open and the devices were shot and exploded. The a Bat shaped someone was coming down.

"Beloved?" Talia askd shocked once again. "Father?"

"Batman?!" The entire team asked............

To Be Continued...

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.


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