Chapter 16

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Chance's POV


I shouted as I saw Sophie inside Arrels.Like wtf?my cousins were sitting outside Arrels and she forced herself to cheat on me in front of my cousins?and we just got engaged yesterday?!

"I-it's not w-what your t-thinking Chance"She said.I looked back to the guy and he just frowned not knowing of what's happening.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"I shouted in front of the guy not bothering if someone is listening inside Arrels.

"Her fiancé?"he replied.I looked back to Sophie,she looked so guilty.

I ran back to the hotel,I noticed my cousins following me.I don't know if I will be mad or be sad or be angry this time.Like we just got engaged,I stopped as I realized something.I walked back to Arrels and they're still there.

"The ring"I said to Sophie.

She held me the ring quickly,I walked out of Arrels and decided to just walk with my cousins and just smile since they're always there to protect me.I looked back at the glass window of Arrels and just rolled my eyes as I saw them making out.These guys already reminded me to keep my eyes on Sophie because they can feel that she's cheating on me and yep it's true.I guess I'll just stay with my cousins forever then,they always knew what will happen and always reminding one of us that they're just behind us to do their task to protect and guide us since they are the only family that we have.

Aeon and Aeron left their mom because of some reason.

Ondre and Tony's mom and dad were living their own lives in Vegas.

Jack and James' mom and dad were living their life in Los Angeles.

Anthony's mother,sister and dad were in Ohio.

My parents were also in Ohio.

Rad and Dylon's Parents and sister were in New Jersey.

Boggi,Ivan and Emilio's parents and sister live their own life in Barcelona.

Yes we also live in Barcelona but 2years ago we decided to buy a huge lot in Valencia,Spain so it could fit all of us in the house.Our house in barcelona is also big but there is not enough space and rooms for all of us so we bought a lot and built a 3 floored house with 7 bed rooms in the 3rd floor not including the theater area,8 bedrooms in the 2nd floor and 4 guest rooms in the first floor with a kitchen and an inside pool.Last year,the house were already up and we are already allowed to move in so we decided to move.

We were traveling the world together and when we're at Madrid,Spain.We met girls,the girls who we fell in love with,the girl who cheated on me.It hurts though but I didn't fucking care if she cheated on me while I loved her very much. I walked back to our hotel room and told everyone what happened.They felt bad of what she did to me and I told them that I don't want to meet her in my life AGAIN.

The next day is our flight back to Barcelona, The 3 Martinez decided to visit their mom and sister in Barcelona while Anthony,Jack,James, Ondre,Tony,Rad,Dylon,Aeron,Aeon and I decided to visit our friend,Beltran.We became good friends ever since the years we decided to move to spain from LA.Not that long,The Martinez texted us that we're already driving back to Valencia.The drive will be almost 4 hours so when we get there,It's 2 hours before midnight.

Since I'm driving the BMW M3 with Anthony, Aeron,Jack and Tony.I looked at the backseat and noticed that they're already out,They're tired since we all woke up 2 am because our flight is 2:30 and we arrived in Barcelona at 7:45 am,We stayed in barcelona until 1pm and then decided to visit Beltran and drove back to Valencia by 6pm.I looked to the passenger seat and Anthony is already out,I guess I'm the only one who survived though,I don't know if Ondre survived in driving the tesla.

3 hours and 45 minutes later...

FINALLY!!!We already arrived back home,I already pulled up in the garage but Aeron,Jack, Tony and Anthony are still sleeping.Ondre said that Aeon,James,Rad and Dylon are also out and Ivan said that Emilio and Boggi aren't sleeping since they have car sickness,they always puke when traveling for tons of hours.I pressed the horn loud enough for them to wake up,we also didn't have neighbors so we didn't disturb anyone in here.They woke up immediately and realized that we're back home.They hopped out of the car with their still sleepy faces,I also followed them and they passed out in the stairs.

"Lazy"Ondre said behind me.

I looked at the living room and Aeon,James, Rad and Dylon was already passed out in the couch while Ivan and Emilio in their rooms and Boggi in the kitchen eating something.I shouted goodnight and made my way to my room and took my goodnight rest.

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