38. Dick- I guess I should just tell you

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Dick's face turned red when he saw who it was. Just great.
"Hey," Dick said, he didn't really know what else to say.
"H-hi," Jason replied, "I came to say sorry," Jason's face turned red.
"You? Sorry?" Dick laughed, "For what?"
"Everything," Jason said, "I just didn't know how to react. I guess I should just tell you."
"Tell me what?" Dick asked.
Jason took a deep breath, " I'm from a different timeline."
"What?" Dick was confused.
"I died at the hands of the Joker and got revived through the Lazarus pit by the League of Assassins. I became a mercenary hellbent on killing the Joker. I became the Red Hood. I killed so many people just so that I could feel better about myself. But that all changed when I fell in love with you, Nightwing. I mean, we slept together and at that time, we didn't know who each other were. We've been through so much together and you even killed the Joker for me so that I'd be free from this darkness inside me. But I was never freed. I kept killing and I just kept getting worse but you were there for me through all of it. Bruce asked Barry to change the timeline so that I never died and therefore became the Red Hood. Somehow, I remembered the old timeline but," Jason paused, "you didn't. You didn't know about us and at first it broke my heart. But, then I came to realize that it was for the best."
Dick remained silent, to take in all that information. He angrily asked, "For the best? How was keeping me in the dark 'for the best'!"
"Dick-" Jason tried to say but Dick cut him off.
"No!" Dick shouted, "If you really did love me, you would've fought for me."
"I'm sorry," Jason replied.
Dick took a minute to calm down. He took a deep breath, " You were there for me when I was drunk when Wally broke up with me. Why did you push me away? You could've gotten me back and been happy." I need to know.
"I was a bad influence on you. I hurt you," Jason replied.
Dick replied, "You were a bad influence on me? Well duh, of course you are!" Jason looked shocked that Dick said that. "But why does that matter? Jay, before, I told you that I liked you. Why couldn't you just accept that I feel the same way you feel about me? You didn't need to drive me away."
"You don't understand. I fucking shot you. So yeah, I'm a messed up monster who doesn't deserve love. I just hurt everyone that I've ever cared about. You. Bruce. The Titans," Jason said, "I-" before Jason could finish, Dick leaned into him and kissed Jason's lips. Dick expected Jason to pull away but he didn't and he kissed Dick back. Dick took in the moment, forgetting that Jason hurt him. Forgetting that he had a boyfriend.

Suddenly, Dick pulled away, "Fuck. I shouldn't have done that. I have a boyfriend."

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