10. Jason-The Red Hood

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Jason put on the Flamebird suit and felt a little uncomfortable at first. It was really weird to wear a hero costume. He followed the rest of the Titans downtown and heard gunshots. There were multiple shooters so the Titans had to split up. One came after Jason and kicked him back. He tried to block it but was too late. He stumbled back and looked back at the attacker. No, it can't be. He was staring at the red mask in shock. It was his or at least before it was. He got too distracted by the mask and the guy posing as the Red Hood pulled out a gun and fired it at him. Jason couldn't move away in time and the bullet hit his chest. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Those are not rubber bullets. That hurts. He tried to get up but it hurt too much. The Red Hood pressed his foot onto Jason and laughed at him. Jason could feel his ribs cracking. Jason tried to reach for anything but could not find anything. His vision was getting blurry and he slowly blacked out.
Jason practically jumped up when he regained consciousness. Before he could take in where he was he saw, he heard Roy shout, "Hey, Todd you're awake."
Jason laughed, "Yeah I am."
"Thank god. I was getting really worried. You've been out for two days already."
Jason tried to sit up right but it hurt a lot and he winced in pain. "Try not to move, your ribs still need to heal."
"I'm fine," Jason tried to get off the bed but, Roy pushed him back down.
"Nope. I'm not letting you leave that bed," Roy said.
"But-" Jason tried to say but got cut off.
Dick entered the room, "No buts, you are staying there,"
"Fine, but what if you need my help?" Jason argued.
"Nope." Dick laughed, "I'm not letting you leave til you get better."
Roy said, "I'll leave you two alone for a bit." He walked out the room and closed the door.

Forever Apart: Jaydick (Redwing pt 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang