A cake

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Hi! This chapter is just some cute fluff with Jason and Dick. It's not related to the story in any way.
( I just might start a story with a bunch of one shots of Jaydick- vote/comment if I should ;))
Actually should I:
1. Have a bunch of one shots of Jaydick
2. Just some random dc/marvel/star wars ships ( like even crossovers too)
3. Recommendations ;))))
Dick shouted at Jason from across the kitchen, "Jay! What happened to all the eggs? There's only one left but I swore we just bought the crate yesterday!"
"How the hell should I know? I don't eat eggs!" Jason replied as he tried to balance the flour, sugar and bowl in his hand while trying to close the cabinet.
He managed to walk over to the fridge but tripped on Alfred (the cat) and spilled flour all over Dick.
"H-hey!" Dick shouted but Jason didn't feel bad and just laughed at Dick.
Jason smiled as he kissed Dick on the lips and  Dick smiled back at him, forgetting the fact that he was covered in flour
"Todd!!" A voice shouted angerily. Jason moved away from Dick and looked at the direction of the voice, it was Damian. "Why is there cracked eggs all over my bedroom door???!"
"Ohhh right. I forgot I did that," Jason laughed, "Titus ate my burger!"
"Don't blame my dog," Damian replied defensively. Damian looked over at Dick, "What the hell happened to you, Grayson?"
"Jason tripped and spilled flour all over me," Dick replied as went over to the sink to wash his face.
"Whatever," Damian replied and headed back upstairs to his room.
Jason measure out all the ingredients for the cake and put them in the bowl to mix.
"I guess we only use one egg," Dick said as he cracked the egg and mixed the bowl. "This cake is going to turn out awful."
"Yeah probably," Jason replied as he took some of the batter with his finger and licked it.
"Jay!" Dick said as he slapped his hand.
"What? Cake batter is good," Jason defended.
Dick just stared at Jason like he did something wrong. Then Dick started to laugh and put his hand through Jason's hair and Jason's face turned red which made Dick laugh even more.
They pour the cake batter into the pan and placed it in the oven. Dick was too afraid of the oven so Jason had to do it. Jason laughed at his boyfriend.
They waited for the cake to bake but they got bored and decided to watch some tv.
Dick fell asleep on Jason's shoulder so Jason couldn't move. He too ended up falling asleep and neither of them heard the timer go off for the cake. Damian smelled something burning and ran down the stairs.
"Grayson! Todd! The cake's burning!" He yelled.
Jason was the first to wake up and he shook Dick awake.
They both ran over to the oven and Jason opened the oven, but there was a little smoke. Jason managed to get the cake out of the oven and the was pretty much black. But regardless, Jason still got a plate and cut the cake.
"What are you doing?? That thing is practically inedible!!"
"What?" Jason said defensively. "I like all kinds of cake. A burnt one is no different." Jason took a fork from the drawer and took a bite of the cake. Dick just looked at him, disappointedly.
"It's good,"Jason said with his mouth full, "Wanna try some?" He held handed the plate to Dick.
"No thanks. I'd rather not die," Dick laughed and smiled at Jason, joyfully eatting the burnt cake.

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