SCP-096 x Shy Non-Binary Reader

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(Although I kinda headcanon 096 as male, I'll refer to 096 as a them for this one)

I was afraid, walking around the dark facility. Other MTF guards made fun of me for being rather scared of my job. But deep down they know they're a little afraid too. Some of them also made fun of me for being nonbinary, I tried to not let it get to me. I was too afraid to correct someone who accidentally, or purposefully, used the wrong pronouns. Some of my fellow guards teased me for it. I heard crying not too far ahead of me, I kept my head down, knowing it must be 096. 096's footsteps came closer. 

I sat down in the corner of the hall, burying my face in my knees. I heard footsteps grow louder, tears trickled down my cheeks. I was afraid I was going to die. It was coming for me wasn't it? My breathing hitched when I heard it stop right in front of me. I felt a cold, slender hand on my shoulder. It made some sort of soft noises at me. I didn't look up. I was too afraid, as usual. They tilted my head up toward them, I slowly opened my eyes. It didn't look vicious at the moment, it looked rather just sad and understanding. It pulled me up to my feet. 

I swallowed nervously. It pulled me into a hug, I hugged them back, I continued crying quietly as they tried comforting me. At the end of the breach, I was rather sad to have to contain them again. They reminded me of myself in a way. We've sort of become friends I guess you could say, I was happy with that for sure, to finally have someone who didn't judge or berate me, but actually understood me and cared. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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