SCP-035 x SCP-049 Sister Reader

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(The reader will be referred to as SCP-049-B, and SCP-049 will be SCP-049-A or just 049, also 049 is a bit older than the reader.)

(I'm also going to make some references to SCP: Sedition - SCP-035 Tape #2 and instead of 049 talking to 035 during a breach, it will be the reader that talked to him instead)

As you probably have already guessed, I'm SCP-049's twin sister. I was brought to foundation about a year ago, so I'm still relatively new here. Compared to others at least. I looked almost exactly like 049, just with a more feminine figure and voice. I help my brother in finding a cure to the Great Pestilence, but it's not often we're allowed to see each other even though our containment chambers aren't too far apart. 

During a recent breach, I met with SCP-035. He's can be a bit crazy sometimes, but also very charming. We didn't get to talk for very long, but I enjoyed the short conversation we had. I hope to see him again. 

Today, I was just sitting in my cell hoping someone would come and interview me or experiment with me or something; I was bored out of my mind. As if on cue, a scientist walked into the observation chamber, "SCP-049-A, I need you to come with us." He said while motioning to the guards standing on either side of him. I sighed and stepped out of my cell, just waiting for them to sedate me so they could transfer me to wherever they need me to be. 

Time Skip

Once I woke up, I was handcuffed and restrained in a chair, just like at the beginning of all of the other interviews. I looked around and seen my brother in chair next to me. "Hello, brother." I said. He looked over at me, "Hello to you too, sister." (No, 049 is not James Charles lol) One of the guards started talking, "SCP-049-A and SCP-049-B, please refrain from talking until the interview begins." I complied with him, as did my brother, since we were respectful and compliant with staff.

After a while of just sitting in silence, more guards came in with SCP-035 and his host and had him sit in a chair across from us. An scientist addressed us from over the intercom, "SCP-049-A, SCP-049-B, and SCP-035, today you'll just be having a normal conversation with each other. We want to see how you three interact. Begin." 

035 leaned over the table a bit, "Well hello, 049-B. It's nice to see such a lovely lady again." 049 seemed a bit agitated by his flirting, "035, she is my sister and I am right here." 035 seemed to smirk somehow, "What? I'm just giving the lady a compliment, there's nothing wrong with that." He said leaning back in his chair. "035, you know exactly what you're doing." I spoke up, "049, it's fine." I said. He seemed to relax a bit. "So 035, what did you and my sister talk about during the last breach?" 

"How did you find out about that?" I said with a hint of worry in my voice. "I was wandering around when I heard you two talking, I didn't listen to everything though. And  your tone seems to express that there's something you two did that I should know about." 035 laughed a bit, "Oh we were just catching up on old times. Remember when we used to travel all across Europe helping victims together?" 049 didn't seem to trust what he said, "035, I feel that you aren't telling the whole truth, I swear if you-" 035 interrupted him, "It goes a little deeper than that darling, your sister and I are lovers." 

"WHAT?!" My brother shouted. He turned to me, "How could you be in a relationship and not tell me?!" 035 laughed again, "No, we aren't lovers, I just wanted to see your reaction." 049 scoffed, "That wasn't funny." I sighed, "This conversation is supposed to involve all three of us, not just you two." They both turned their attention towards me, "Of course it is! I know you're eager to talk to me, 049-B. I mean, who wouldn't be?" 

"I don't know who wouldn't want to talk to you; you're charming, witty and very intelligent." I said. "I knew you had feelings for me as well." 035 replied. "Need I remind both of you again that I am right here, it's awkward just to flirt back and forth in front of me." 049 chimed in. "Well I guess that settles it then, me and your sister are lovers now, 049." 035 said with a laugh. "I don't approve of this." 049 said leaning back once again in his chair. "Well, I do." I said grinning.

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