SCP-073 x Reader

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(I have an entire packet of Algebra homework to get done and I don't know too much about him, so this is gonna be short, sorry m8.)

Being a guard at Site-19, I was ordered to guard anything from the outside to the cafeteria to an SCP. Today, I would be monitoring SCP-073 or "Cain". I'd heard things about him, he sounds attractive according to his description. I stood in the cafeteria waiting for him to arrive here. Soon enough, a few guards escorted him to a seat in the cafeteria. He sat down and a tray was placed in front of him. He had tan skin, black hair and blue eyes. "Hello, Cain." I greeted him. He looked up at me and nodded with a small wave. 

He was really handsome. He had some sort of symbols tattooed on his forehead, I was told to not ask him about it. "So, how were you brought here?" I asked. "I...was found in a very big city called New York, I had killed violent gang members with my bare hands when they tried killing me." He explained quietly. I nodded, "Oh." We talked for a while after he had finished eating. He was very intelligent and had a really good memory. 

Time Skip

As lunch was ending and he was being escorted out, he spoke up, "Will I ever see you again?" He asked. I nodded, "Of course." He smiled a bit, "I can't wait until we meet again." He says. "I can't wait either." I thought to myself. 

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