Corporal Lawrence x WW1 Nurse Reader (Bonus Chapter)

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(This isn't what necessarily happened after the events of the lemon, it's just an extra chapter. I know it doesn't exactly correspond with the canon. If you don't like that, just don't read it I guess.)

It'd been a few months since the incident with Lawrence, I've grown to love him too. He's obsessive over me but I don't mind. He's so sweet and loving towards me. He's threatened quite a few people for talking to me or judging who's baby I was pregnant with. Yes, I'm pregnant with his child. I wouldn't get rid of it for the world, I already love them so much. We plan on getting married eventually. Recently, Lawrence has been disappearing for a few hours or even a day. I'd get so scared without him. I needed him with me desperately, I became reliant on him. I was so attached to him and couldn't bear the thought of being without him for so long. I needed him and he needed me. I would cry for him when he'd disappear. I'd have everyone search for him but it was like he just disappeared into thin air. He was never anywhere to be found.

Tonight was even worse, I hadn't seen him all day. It was curfew now and it looks like I wouldn't be able to fall asleep with him at my side again. I cried myself to sleep. In the middle of the night, the door to the nurse's ward was opened. The noise woke me up. The hall light shone inside. There was a male figure standing in the doorway. I squinted, "Lawrence?" I whispered. The figure walked closer, it was him. He sat on the end of my bed. He had something behind his back. My pupils dilated, due to previous incidents in the past, I knew that whenever he hid something behind his back, it was never a good thing. He smiled, it was the same genuine smile he always gave me. He held something out; a small box. I relaxed. "Y/N, you've made me the happiest man in the world and you're the first person to ever make me feel something. Please...will you marry me?" He opened the small box, inside was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

I nearly cried tears of joy, "Of course I will!" I hugged him tight. He hugged back, "I'm sorry I was gone all day...I escaped to go into the city to get you a ring." He said softly. He pulled away and slipped the ring on my finger. He smiled again, "How's my baby been doing today?" I smiled softly, "They were kicking a bit earlier, they've been well." He hugged me tighter, "Good...good..." I laid next to me and pulled the covers over us and stroked my hair until I fell asleep. The guards there let him sleep with me since no matter what they did, he'd always find his way back to me and go against them anyway. Their efforts to keep us apart always proved useless. They simply failed to understand that it would just be us together forever, he'd slaughter any and everyone who stood in the way of him having me. He made sure people knew that. He slowly fell asleep next to me, a small smile on his face.

SCP: Containment Breach OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin