SCP 106 x Female Reader (SCP AU)

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(I did not create this AU, this AU was created by gemlover25 )

(Also, there are bits of death and bad language and mentions of gore)

106's POV

The Great War was a little over 100 years ago. That damned trench and that hole was the worst thing that ever happened to me. It was a stupid move to jump down that hole, I know. But there might have been Germans hiding in a secret tunnel down there or something. The rot or whatever the hell consumed me drove me to murder Private Dixon and to try to assault a nurse in the mental ward, causing her to lose three fingers and an eye. The memory of Dixon still haunts me to this day. 

100 Years Before

I stood up and dusted my clothes. I stared down at the mangled and mutilated body of Private Dixon. His body had been tangled in the barbed wire and I had sliced him open with a knife. His entrails were spread out as far as they could could go in every direction. Part of me was disgusted by this, but the other part made me grin like a mad man. 

Present Time

As punishment for murdering Dixon and assaulting that nurse, I am cursed with immortality with the ghost of Dixon haunting me everyday since that day. I heard faint whispering behind me. "Hello, Corporal." I heard the ghost of Dixon say. "Fuck off, Dixon. I said I'm sorry countless times!" He grinned, "That doesn't change anything, Lawrence. You still murdered me and I will haunt you until the end of time." I walked away trying to get away from him but he followed me. 

I decided to pay my favorite staff member at the foundation a visit. Luckily this time, Dixon didn't follow me. I went and searched for Y/N in her office. "Y/N? Are you here?" Nothing happened for a while. I then seen Y/N crawl out from behind her desk, "106?" I nodded, "Yes." Right as I was about speak again, I heard a ghost-like voice call out from the hall, "Corporal? Where are you? I'm coming for you, Lawrence." I scowled at the thought of Dixon. "106, who is that? How do they know your past like I do?"

I sighed, "Well...he may or not be the ghost of a soldier name Private Dixon that I may or may not have killed during the first world war." I said nervously. "You what?!" She said, almost shouting. "Well, this is me we're talking about. Are you surprised I killed someone before I turned into this?" I said. "Well, you do have a point there." She responded. Dixon's voice got louder as he got closer to Y/N's office. Y/N jolted a bit when she seen a ghostly WW1 soldier standing in front of her with his torn, ragged dirty uniform and a large gash in his stomach with his entrails clearly visible. 

"Lawrence....I found you. Who is this pretty lady? Your bonnie? At least she's not overseas now." (Someone plz get that reference too) Y/N clearly seemed confused by the term "bonnie". "Yes, Dixon she is my bonnie." I said smugly. "So 106, why is he here?" Y/N asked. "Because ever since I killed him, he's haunted me everyday for the last 100 years." I replied. "Oh, that must suck." She said. "Yeah, it really does."

Y/N seemed angry, "Dixon, 106 has apologized multiple times already, just leave him alone!" Y/N shouted. Dixon smirked, "And why should I? He ruined my life! He killed me!" He yelled. "Because, his life is already even worse than yours! Just look at the poor man! Give it a rest and rest in peace or something, Dixon." Dixon looked down at the floor. "I...I never thought about it like that...but I can't just rest in peace. I'm doomed to haunt Lawrence until the end of time." 


I frowned realizing just how bad Dixon had it. "Listen, I'm very sorry for both of you. Neither of you wanted this and neither of you could've helped it." Both of them frowned. "I'm...sorry, Corporal Lawrence. What you did was wrong, but it was a century ago, I should just let it go I suppose." He mumbled. He left the room leaving me and Lawrence alone. "Lawrence, there's something I want to tell you." He looked at me, "Yes?" I started to get a bit nervous, "I love you, Lawrence." He smiled, "I love you too Y/N."

(I just felt like throwing some slight romance at the end.)

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