28: No wonder you're so unpopular

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Center: Hatsune Miku
Originally updated: 21st August 2020

Emily: 200,000 likes now. What's the Hatsune Miku gonna do now? Her flithy weebs can't get me.

Part 1: You need to relax

In Len's room...

Len: (sees Emily's post) Like I said, this girl isn't gonna mess with me even further.

Phone rings, Len picks up...

Len: Hello?

Miku: (On Phone) Len... (Cries) Everyone is tagging me on their story and saying mean things about me...

Len: Tch. Are they reposting Emily's screenshot and caption?

Miku: (On Phone) Yeah...What did I do though?

Len: Those bastards won't mess with you further, you hear me. I'm gonna tell them how skilled you are.

Miku: (On Phone) But...is it really ok? That people in my class are doing this? I mean I'm a rat bag after all.

Len: YOU'RE NOT A RAT BAG! They are. You know. (hugs Miku plushie) I'm hugging you right now.

Miku: (On Phone) Ehehe, Thanks Len. I just hope they won't be mean to me anymore...

Len: They're just jealous. That's all. I mean these salty teenagers bash at everything.

Miku: (On Phone) Well Thank you! Thank you! To my one and only love!

Len: (laughs) Man you're making me blush. See ya for our beach trip tomorrow.

Miku: (On Phone) Yeah! (hangs up)

After Miku hangs up Len lies down on his bed and looks upset. He keeps hoping Miku will be ok.

Len's Mind: Damn That Emily. All she does is mess people's lives. If she's gonna mess with anymore of my friends, I will riot.

Rin: (opens door and wears swimsuit) Len! How do I look?

Len: Gross...

Rin: Hey! Not fair! And you're nice to Miku!

Len: I mean, I wouldn't date a blonde like you.

Rin: You're so mean! :(

Len: Just Go Ok? I'm not in the mood for talking.

Rin: What's Wrong? (looks sad)

Len: Honestly Nothing. I'm preparing for tomorrow so leave me be. (packs manga)

Part 2: Beach adventure

In the beach...

Miku: Wow! It's so nice! Thanks for bringing me here Len!

Len: It's Fine. (pulls off mask) You know, I love you so much.

Meiko: Thank god Kai upgraded his car so it can fit 6 people now.

Luka: Yeah, the 2 seats at the front next to Kai was nice.

Rin: But Miku! Let's forget about what Emily wrote about you Ok? Of course she hates Vocaloids, but it'll be fine. I know some Vocaloid fans that hate me. But I know more hate Len...

Len: SHUT UP RIN! No one likes your high fucking nightcore pitched voice. Plus Everyone ships you with Miku, So that's why I hate you.


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