15: Len x Miku

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Center: Hatsune Miku And Kagamine Len
Originally written: 31st August 2019 (Miku's birthday :0)

Sorry for the quick updates. I'm gonna keep the cringy ass style writing for now bc I cba. BTW, anything written in Italics is, written in 2023 with my beautiful literary criticism skills from A Level English Literature.

Noooo I don't do English Language. You can tell from this poorly written fanfic (and I got a 6 in the GCSE compared to 1 Mark away from a 9 in lit)

Part 1: Park

(Miku is looking after Hachune in the Park)

Miku: Uggh, why do I have to do this?

Hachune: MIKU!!!! >_<

Miku: Yes?

Hachune: Let's Play!

Miku: I'm too old...

Hachune: Is that so? Awww.

Miku: Remember What Yuka told you?

Hachune: True...

(Ice cream truck noises)

Hachune: ICE CREAM!

Miku: (sigh) Fine...

(They both run to the ice cream truck)

Kaito: Hello Miku, welcome to Kaito's Ice Cream truck! How can I help?

Miku's Mind: I knew it, Kaito...


Miku: Huh? Strawberry? Ok, can we have one strawberry ice cream and one vanilla ice cream please.

Kaito: Sure! (hands out ice cream) Here! Have a lovely day!

Miku: You too! (gives strawberry ice cream to Hachune) Here you brat...

Hachune: THANK YOUU!

Rin: (hides behind a tree) Go on, do it!

Len: (walks up to Miku) Um...Hi...

Miku: Len!

Hachune: (hides behind Miku) Gyaaa!

Len: (blushes) Can we hang out some time? Ahem, you see...can we hang out some...

Miku: Yes...I mean, when?

Len: I don't know! Um...

Miku: Tomorrow?

Len: EH? Ok then...

Miku: Ok...


Miku: Um, I'm going to Luka's house...

Len: Damn it...

Part 2: Book Store

(Miku is waiting outside the book store in the mall...)

Rin: (hides behind pillar) Len, good luck! >_< (walks away)

Len: (embarrassed) Uh...uh...thanks...RIN!

(Awkward silence)

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