12: Sayonara Third Years?

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Center: Hatsune Miku, SeeU, UNI, Fukase, VFlower, Akari
Originally written: 15th July 2019

Part 1: Sports Day

(In a sports place)

Narration: And now for the annual Voca-High Sports Day!

(In the C Area...)

Gumi: So the school decided to separate me from Teto because she's 7F? Hmph... I want to be 8F now.

Rin: You Have us though!

Gumi: Yeah right...

Len: So what race are you doing?

Rin: 800 metres.

Len: 200 metres.

Rin: Haha loser! Doing less running!


Iroha: (walking back) I got 2nd in 100 metres...

Miku: Really? That's so good!

Iroha: Now it's not...

Len: It's my turn.

Miku and Iroha: Good luck Len!

Rin: Go and lose.

Len: I hate you Rin. (walks off to race track)

Miku: Ahhh, I'm not doing anything this year. You Gumi?

Gumi: You Guys, you know there's this new song by a girl group which is satanic. I still love them though!

Miku: (laughs) That was completely off topic but yeah...

Rin: (yawns) Gimme your fan Miku.

Miku: Sure (passes fan).

Rin: So hot!

Gumi: TETO!

Teto: (walks past) Hi Gumi! Sorry, I need to head off to the toilet.

Gumi: AWWWW!

Miku: Maybe she can come here later?

Gumi: I want my squishy cinnamon bun.

(When the 200 metres race starts...)

Miku: GO LEN! >_<

Iroha: Woah, he's winning!

Rin: Hmph, if only we were in different forms, I would beat him.

Gumi: Guys, does any of you guys have kimchi? I'm not doing anything for sports day.

Miku: So am I! Here have some crisps I brought. (passes crisps)

Gumi: Not kimchi but thanks. (eats)

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