8: Kasane Territory and the last fucking day of torture

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Center: Kasane Teto And Hatsune Miku
Originally written: 1st April 2019

Part 1: Teto at school

(Form time, Teto opens door to her form room)

Teto: Good Morning Everyone!

Dan's Mind: Here she is! The perfect one!

Roger's Mind: Teto Kasane! The top student of our class.

Mary's Mind: I know she's going to be top set for everything when she's a second year.

Kevin's Mind: She sings so well! Not only that, she does everything in school very well!

Amanda's Mind: No wonder the green-haired girl loves her so much!

Defoko's Mind: I'm so glad I'm Teto's friend.

Momo's Mind: Look at the way she walks, I wish I was her!

Teto: Otomachi Una chan, ohayo!


Teto: Ahh, now I'm just going to wait until Miss Oakley comes.

Defoko: How is she so patient?

Momo: No idea, I can't wait for the teacher that long by doing nothing.

Defoko: So strange...

Miss Oakley: (opens door) Good Morning 7F!

Whole Class: (groans) Good morning Miss Oakley...

Teto (at the same time as the class): Good Morning Miss Oakley!

Whole Class: Huh? (stares at Teto)

Whole Class's Mind: She's too perfect!

Miss Oakley: Have a sit. Teto as our form monitor, would you like to return this to the office?

Teto: Yes Miss, I'd love too! Thank you!

Defoko: She's too perfect!

(Period 1 + 2: Art)

Defoko: Double Art Huh? I'm really bad!

Momo: I know! I can't do a portrait of you!

Teto: I'm your partner Una! I'll do you!

Una: But I'm really bad. I know you're perfect, but I'm ugly.

Teto: I think you're beautiful!

Una: Really?

Teto: I'm going to start now!

(1 hour and 15 mins later...)

Art Teacher: Class, it's now time to pack up! Make sure you put the items in the right box! Place your artworks here on my desk please!

Una: Oh my god! Awesome Teto!

Teto: Hehe, Thanks!

Momo: Oh my god, so good!

Defoko: How did you do that Teto chan?

Teto: No idea... (giggles)

(At Break in the playground)

Momo: Sorry Teto, me and Defoko have to head out for a student council meeting.

Teto: Nope, not at all that I'm upset! See you guys at Maths! (skips down the playground)

Miku: (walking with Rin) Oh my god, here she comes...

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