23: Without the Cryptonloids at school...

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Center: Megpoid Gumi And Kasane Teto
Originally written 31st January 2020

(Head teacher office)

Mr James: You Have to understand, Miku, Rin, Len and Luka can't do this.

P.Crypton: It's going to work out fine.

Mr James: It's not!


Head Teacher: Stop this nonsense immediately. She will catch up loads and...

Miku: (fiddles with her hand)

Yukari: Miss, John needs to.

Mr James: (sigh) I have no choice. Go on, good luck Miku. (walks off)

Yukari: Good Lucky Johnny! (walks off and closes door)

P.Crypton: Training starts tomorrow on Friday.

Miku: I can't disappoint my fans.

Part 1: IA's motives

(Inside the meeting room)

Yuka: (sighs) Come In.

IA: (opens door) Hi Yuiiii!

Yuka: WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT NICKNAME? How informal. Anyway, what brings you here as I the deputy CEO.

IA: Yuka, I signed a contract with Papa Crypton. (shows form)

Form: IA, congratulations on taking the role of R3 Miku aka Miku's stunt double! Well because she's always busy in Voca-High someone's gotta cover her.

IA is doing GCSEs so ahem. She needs to do more work than Meeks but ok pop off Philips Crypton.

Yuka: Disgusting. But fine, I'll let the others know. Get practising, here's where you need to appear in the concert. AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AT SCHOOL! Even I'm not skipping school and in fact, I'm only attending Miku Expo London.

IA: Thanks. (fake coughs) Sick. (leaves room)

(Back in the dance studio)

Rin: Amazing Miku!

Miku: Thanks Rin.

Yuka: (opens door and shows form) IA will now be joining us performing concerts.

Miku: WHAT?

Yuka: No buts. (closes door)

Miku: (Cries) Rin, Luka.

Rin: It's Ok Miku!

Luka: I'm sure we'll work something out, right Mimi?

Miku: (sighs) Whatever...

Rin: Anyway, from the top, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Miku: This is harder than the ghost dances we do! :(

Luka: I know Miku...

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