Chapter 8: The First Mission, Slaying Skeleton Goblins

Start from the beginning

"It was fortunate that the operators happened to look through the world and spotted them mobilizing only the day before, so they had yet to start invading."

In that instant, Alicia grimaced at Aqua's last sentence. She implied that the Otherworldly Court had a streak of only detecting problems like this long after it had first appeared, thus not weeded out in its infancy.

Regardless, Alicia continued listening to Aqua's briefing. "And we have confirmed that the Lord of Vengeance has not returned despite that. As their sudden arrival was not supposed to happen, we came down and eliminated the army ourselves."

"And so right now, our mission is to suppress another wave of enemies?"

"Correct," Aqua nodded. "Incidentally, this whole thing is kept under tight wraps. The people of Kaomagi will undoubtedly panic if news got out that the Vengeful Remnants had come early. We also have help from the church of the religion there as their pope happens to be the Life Guardian."

"I see, that is... quite convenient."


Right now, Alicia donned a hooded red cloak with the symbol of the Otherworldly Court to its back, the scale over the spear and shield, resting upon a large, yet faint, symbol of a flame. Owen wore a similar cloak, except it's light blue, a snowflake instead of fire, and the scale had a silverish color to it. She also noticed the silver outline on his cloak and recalled the cloak that Alice wore had it too, but it was gold-colored.


Not a moment after they have transferred did they hear the sounds of bones rattling.


The screen showed another image, bones. It was a bunch of skeletons of many creatures from humanoid ones to that of giant reptiles and the ones that could fly (though they probably couldn't know that they nothing but calcium). What was common with all of them was the sickening red orb visibly glowing inside the area where their hearts would be.

"Eek! Scary!" Voice screamed as she flew behind Alicia's shoulder.

"These are the Vengeful Remnants. Vengeful for singular," Aqua explained. "Basically, they are skeletons held together by the red orb inside them. All you need to do is destroy the orb, or just destroy the entire skeleton with sheer brute force."


Emotion suppression on.

"They're here," Owen announced. His tone of speaking was monotone, however. There were no emotions in it.

One of the traits of a Maneg Soul is that when the Court Wizard is in combat, it would suppress their emotions so that they act on logic and keep their composure.

"Right," Alicia said monotonously.

Let's go!

Though it seemed that Voice did not adhere to the suppression despite being a part of the Maneg Soul that's responsible for it.

Voice? You can talk while inside?

Well, duh!


The two Court Wizards prepared themselves.






Wizards of the Otherworldly Court: Alicia Part 1Where stories live. Discover now