More About the Otherworldly Court 1.1: The Maneg Soul Picks Its Vessel & Soul 1

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Voice: It's been a long time coming, huh!?

Azhure: Well, here's the rewrite for More About the Otherworldly Court 1 with a new title to replace the old one, The Maneg Soul Chooses Its Court Wizard. There were constraints with the new title on Wattpad though. Also, I just like the writing tool on Wattpad which is the only reason I'm still posting there (or here) out of obligation.

Azhure: Anyway, while this chapter still takes place between Alicia's first and second mission in book Alicia, I've decided to try and shove in every relevant lore as of book End of the Five, Twenty-three, and Twenty-nine Years Story Owen's Collection Chapter 3.3 and I'll dump any information not fitting the current context of the story in the chapter in an exposition at the end.

Azhure: Also, if there's anything I've left out in the rewrite consider it no longer canon, I'm also changing a few things that shouldn't conflict with canon as I haven't used them yet as well as adding new ones. Consider some of the new information as foreshadowing.

Azhure: Also, to give this more exposure, I've slipped this in both books except in the WordPress version, which has its own page, which will be identical to each other. I'm not editing these author notes to fit book Alicia's and I won't remove things after some time - I feel like I shouldn't.

Azhure: Also, college is starting again and I have to go to campus this time. Enjoy.


During the weeks before Alicia's second mission and after her first mission in Wizards of the Otherworldly Court: Alicia.



Year 1421


"Cookies! Cookies!"

"Well, this is going to take a while," Aqua remarked, putting her hands on her waists, and looking down at the oven baking cookies. "Not that I am consuming it," the greater water spirit smiled wryly. Being a body-less soul meant she can't partake in the pleasure of eating food.

"Is that so?" Alicia said in a consoling tone.

Something the teenage girl quickly learned about the Guardians' chambers (assuming they're all the same except the color scheme) was that they also doubled as apartments if the word 'chamber' didn't explain it already, and were rather luxurious. The fire chamber for one has its own living room with the office desk where Aqua handed out missions; a kitchen they're using right now, complete with its dining table; the large balcony where Rose hosted her tea parties; and two bathrooms for the first and second floor.

Yeah, you heard that right, the chamber has a second floor as well. When Alicia first entered the chamber, she noticed the set of stairs to the right, sitting on top of the kitchen and bathroom that were both beside each other - it created a long corridor to the living room. The second floor as Alicia knew was mainly the bedrooms, enough for a small family, along with the aforementioned second bathroom. The 'First Guardians,' the founders of the Otherworldly Court, and the first Guardians, hence their title, had intended for the Guardians and their families to live in the chambers.

In practice, not all of them do, even rarer with their families. Those Guardians still have homes in their worlds and simply transfer to the Court like going to work, leaving the second floor to gather dust. Those who do, however, were the unlucky ones which was the anticipation the First Guardians were watching out for.

Like Master Alice, Alicia thought sadly. Owen had told her about the little Ice Guardian's circumstance that led to her living alone in the ice chamber and it was heartbreaking. No child should have gone through what she had.

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