"Go pack Amanita," Ezra's legs go out, but Noma is quick to catch him tugging him into her chest. "Irene has made a quick-it contract, it'll be in motion for five days."

"But, what am I supposed to do I'm still in training?" I exclaim throwing my hand down.

"The contract made, was unique. She only asked for your time, nothing more and nothing less. You'll be traveling with her to France I believe, for a photo shoot. She's made it a top priority to get you noticed." Ezra repeats no, no, no over and over again. And I can see just how much Noma tries to placate him, comfort him.

"You leave tomorrow morning, She's arranged for someone to pick you up, and from there..."

"She can't, she can't." Ezra whimpers, Noma shushes him quietly.

"Be glad it isn't a permanent pink contract." She says. This ceases all of Ezra's noises, and the sub stumbles down the stairs back towards me. He takes ahold of my hand squeezing and with a watery smile he says a quiet, "You're right."


The rest of the day seems to zip past me making the inevitable seem much closer. I can remember bits and pieces, like Ezra winding his warm body around me for hours, his fingers petting through the strands of my hair, and soft kisses fluttering against my skin in a coy manner. I can remember his solid aura washing across my body like a fresh stream of water, flushing debris and objects out of the current. Him holding me for so long it felt as if I was in an inferno, painlessly cooking. I remember Noma walking in giving us this look before she proceeded to lay a dazzling dress out on the bed. For tonight. She'd said, and then retreated leaving the two of us in solitude. After that everything just seemed to blur into one messy image of people, and faces, objects, and places. Until we're at Club Chasity, pressed in firm against the red lounging cushions. I shift my fingers feeling the hard metal of the drive, warm from the heat of my palms. Jessi.

"I'm going to go order a drink." I say to the group. Ophelia bites at her lip nodding while brushing her fingers against my calf, I shoot her a wobbled smile before peering at Ezra. He's on his knees, hands planted firmly to the ground readying to lift his weight. But I stop him brushing my hand across his neck. His breath hitches.

"Stay, I'll be back." He nods and with that, I slip past the ropes in search. It takes me a solid five minutes of circling the area before I stumble into the male, Jessi's eyes go wide and his lip pulls back in a boyish grin.

"You uh you have it?" I push both my hands into his letting the drive drop into the awaiting palm, then I fold his fingers over the device.

"I'm going away for a few days, so you'll have to look after this until I get back," He clenches his hand. "I have a few things to ask of you though." I whisper over the bass of the music and the chatter from the bar.

"Anything." He assures. I lick at my lips closing my eyes for a brief moment.

"First, I want you to be there when the person gets into the drive so that you can stop them from doing any unnecessary snooping," He nods viciously. "And second, I need you to not leak any of this information, don't show it to any of your friends, family members, hell I don't even want you showing it to any of your pets. You get it from A to B, not A, C, and B. Do you understand?"

"Yes, we're crystal clear." I release his fingers with a sigh pushing past my lips.

"Good...yeah, that's good." Jessi bobs his head again.

"I'll have the drive ready for your return you can count on me." He shoves the device into his apron and then backs into the crowd of people disappearing amongst the bodies.

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