Chapter 7

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^ Noma's outfit period.

My phones cradled to the shell of my ear, pressed in so close that it leaves a painful indentation. The phone rings once, twice, thrice, but no one answers from the other line. I tap my foot impatiently pacing back and forth. I'm behind the dorms, back in the shadows where no one really ventures. There's still some bold people lingering around with their cameras and notebooks, but besides that, the crowd is less overwhelming than when I first left my dorm room. Good, this must mean the privacy form faxed without any difficulties.

"Hello?" A voice drags. I jump in my spot looking around before realizing the voice has come from my cellphone. I clutch the device pressing it closer.

"Hello, I'm calling about a contract," I whisper. A few girls walk past my area giggling and chatting about god knows what. They cross the street without glancing back once.

"Whose the contract from?" The woman sounds bored, so bland and tired. Makes me feel a bit self-conscious forever the reason. I switch the phone from the left of my shoulder the right sighing low to myself.

"Ezra...Wellington?" There's a pause.

"Sorry, but Ezra's not available at the time, nor have any contracts been emailed, mailed, or faxed, to any previous customers. Your contract must not be viable. Good day—"

"Hold on now," I say quickly. "I do have a contract and it was personally sent!" And now the woman outright groans, rude.

"What is your name," I tell her my name and hear the clicking of computer keys. There's a pause and then another sigh. "Nope, you're not in the system, not under regular customers, not even under the special occasion list. Sorry Miss, but I'm hanging up."

"Wait! I have another contract okay?" The woman tries to talk over me, but I'm firm not giving any chances of interruption. She was going to listen to me whether she liked it or not. "I have another contract from Ms. Buchanan, can you please check under there?" There's another pause and then a scoff.

"I know for certain Ms. Buchanan does not—"

"Just check!" I growl. The click-clacking comes back, and the other side falls silent. One-minute turns into two and then two minutes turns into five.

"Oh my god!" She exclaims. The sulky bored tone dissolves and is replaced with high energy, an excitement that has me holding the phone away from my ears.

"Ama'Rose, new Dominatrix!" She squeals.

"Yup," I pop the p. "that's me."

"My god, I'm so sorry for acting like a total bitch. I'm Noma!" Who? There's a pause and then a giggle floods through the speaker of my phone. Light and airy.

"I'm the Dom whose going to teach you, you know? I was mentioned in the contract and what not. Anyway, how can I help you? Do you have any questions about the contract?" I shake my head like she'll be able to see the motion.

"No, I'm calling because I want to accept the offer, and I want to move in ASAP."

"Oh...that's pretty quick dontchu think? I mean you just got the contract today, don't you want to like, I don't know, enjoy your life of freedom first?" I probably wasn't going to agree ever, but now refusing the offer just isn't on the table.

"No, I made up my mind, and I would like to move into her estate immediately." Noma hums and begins to type on her computer.

"Listen kid, it might seem like a world of luxuries accepting this contract and what not, but really think about it. I was once like you quick and naïve, when I was offered the contract it seemed like the deal of the lifetime. You only know what's going on behind the scenes, once you're actually behind them." Damn does this sound like a solid don't do it! A sign from the heavens above. I wouldn't have accepted, not with how she was dehyping the place up, but what else could I do? I was an—I was an SS. And sooner or later people would start catching on. Finding out. And I needed safety, I needed stability.

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