Chapter 16

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Noma holds her palm out, nails outstretched and glamourous under the yellow tone of the chandeliers. I look at the whip coiled around my wrist and then with a reluctance I scrape it off and place it in her awaiting hand. She smiles, eyes crinkling.

"I think its time to bring Ezra back up and get you out the house, so we can buy you some clothes," My head bobs in understanding. "You'll have to gentle him out of his headspace first, that's the place where subs go when they're high and giggly on hormones, endorphins, and epinephrine. Coming out of subspace is different for every sub, but since I've scene with Ezra multiple times, and I know his ticks, I also know what to expect after his trips. With Ezra he also becomes...a bit touch-starved searching for rubs and pettings, soft kisses. Stuff like that, sometimes he'll cry, sometimes he'll get drowsy and tired. He'll be very demanding of your attention. It's also good to get him up and out of the dungeon to the kitchen where he can have a small snack or some water. Hopefully, he isn't too bad when surfaces. Our section doesn't have a pillow pit, so if worst comes to worst you'll have to take him to your room. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Noma questions standing slow from her spot on the circular chair. I nod.

"Yeah, I believe so," I twine my fingers together picking underneath the nails. "But what if he doesn't want to move?" The woman rubs her chin once before her eyes sparkle. She pounds a fist into her other palm and then points to a small door across the room, hidden behind the bronzed curtains.

"There's a bed back there incase subs are incapable of moving after a scene. It is big enough for two, so that makes it easier to cuddle up with a dropped sub." I make an ok sounding hum in the back of my throat and lean in close to Ezra's ear, still a bit iffy about what I had been told. I brush his hair away from his pinkened ear and press a soft kiss to his hairline.

"Its time to come back now angel," I whisper. Ezra blinks slowly before giving up the action altogether and just closing his eyes. Noma pushes me encouraging me to continue. "Come on, you're doing so good, be a good boy and come up." His eyes snap open and his body lurches, close and then closer to the ground. I grab onto his shoulders pulling him back into my legs before he can slump to the floor.

"M-mistress," His eyes gloss over sparkling wildly, but not a single tear leaves his eyes. He clings to my stockings, pressing his face into my thigh and rubbing his head in slow deliberate circles. I lean in peppering his head in small kisses. "Ama'Rose." He climbs into my arms, winding around my body, trying to shrink even smaller then he already is. Ezra catches my eyes, bottom lip wobbling and brows pushed together tightly. He buries his head in my neck and curls into my body.

" this normal." Noma has a perfectly arched brow raised, and a subtle pinch in her lips. The woman shakes her head and thumbs over her bottom lip, after a while she shrugs walking over to examine the submissive male. Ezra groans annoyedly turning his head away from Noma not trying to give her access to his face. She just sighs rolling her eyes as she falls back.

"I think he's just being a big baby about what I said earlier," His hands clench at the straps of my top, and his legs wrap around my waist locking behind my back. Damn this boy had a grip. "Which he shouldn't be upset about. Fair is fair, and people deserve to know these things before shitty scenarios happen—"

"Leave me alone." He grumbles, he mumbles about something else as well. Something about tightening my arms and lightly massaging his back. I do both and he melts into a boneless mess of spaghetti limbs.

"Yeah I will after you tell me how you feel, you know the rules. One to ten." I repeat what Noma said in his ear, knowing he probably wasn't listening to a word she said. Ezra giggles soft at the tickle of my voice in his ear, and then he lifts his head from my shoulder, peering around the room in concentration.

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