Chapter 28

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I lift the wine glass to my lips taking a tentative sip from the encrusted rim. I smack my lips gently as a floral cinnamon taste explodes over my palate.

"Is it," Ezra crawls onto the bed, tucking his legs under the comforter. "Is it good?" His eyes are wide, and his chest remains deathly still as if he were holding his breath. My lips curl around the glass as I take another sip. A small hum scratches at my throat.

"Yeah...It's good. You did good Ezra."

"Oh?" He squeaks burrowing his face into the soft looking skin of his palms. The held breath finally leaves his lungs in a choppy manner, and a tension I hadn't even noticed bleeds from every pore on his body. His spindly fingers twitch over his eyes.

"I wasn't sure if you'd like it. It's my favorite wine, and usually uh...others don't quite enjoy it," He curls around my legs stroking over the lax muscles in my calves. "An acquired taste, you know?" I shrug with the littlest tilt in my head before downing the rest of the contents of the glass.

"Well it is enjoyable—" A timid knock claws its way into the space of my room, and though its ever quiet, the newly formed sound seems to ricochet off the walls and straight into my ears. I find myself simultaneously wincing with Ezra, We both share this strange look.

"Cover-up Ezra." I shrug my robe off and toss the glittering piece towards Ezra. He looks down at it tracing the material before blinking up toward me. He eventually tugs the cloth around his shoulders and I stiffly nod at him while scooching out the bed. Tugging the door open, I peek out into the hall.

"Oh, hello." I say smiling while leaning into the door frame.

"Hi!" Christian replies while returning the smile down towards his bare feet. I watch as he wiggles his toes erratically. " I hooked up my gaming console in the social room," He shuffles before snorting to himself. "To the Tv by the pillow-pit, y'know in the sub wing? Well I was just wondering if you'd like to p-play with me?"

Yes! Anything to get me out of here away from prying eyes. I still needed to find out about Ezra's previous Doms, and his major relationship from before. If the boy kept clinging to me, I'd never get the chance.

Without thinking about it, I drag my hand across the top of Christian's head before backing away with a tiny smile. He just watches me go with blown eyes, and this look of purr innocents kissing at his cheeks and brow.

"I'ma grab my slippers, and then we can head out, okay?" He nods once. "And maybe we'll have a little race to see who gets there first!" His big blue eyes sparkle like deep sapphires.

"Okay." Christian giggles rocking on his feet. I back into the room and muster up a look of sheer disappointment. Ezra frowns and winds his fingers into the robe wrapped tightly across his lithe chest.

"I told Christian I'd play with him," I say sparing a glance towards the door. "We've been in this room for quite some time, and I think...I think you're okay to continue with your day."

"You're kicking me out?" He states folding his arms. My eyelids drop slowly, and I take a deep breath.

"We can't stay hauled up in this room all day Ezra." The submissive opens his mouth before clenching it shut firmly, so hard his teeth clink off of each other. He scrambles from the bed

"Fine! Kick me out! Go play with the little baby," He growls tightening the robe around his body as if it were a layer of protection. Armor. "He's oh-so pure and innocent, unsoiled. I bet that's what you really want. What really gets you off. Hmm? Big puppy dog eyes that'll only look at you as if you hung the fucking moon in the sky. You wanna be his mommy? Does that get you off?" What. The. Fuck! I stand my ground, unspoken mostly due to the shock coursing through my body.

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