Chapter 39

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"Miss it's time to wake up," I groan flipping the large soft sheets of the bed over my face to escape reality. A few seconds go past with me waiting to see if the other will say something else. When they don't I relax back into the warmth of the mattress, letting sweet sleep take root again. "Miss, if you don't get up now, you'll miss breakfast and your morning lessons." I groan once more before sitting up lazily while wiping the sleep from my eyes. Winnie helps me from the bed guiding me to the bathroom, where the bath is already full of steamy water.

"Oh, dear Miss, you fell asleep in one of your outing gowns." She reaches behind me unzipping the tight red dress, catching it before it can completely fall to the ground. The maid tosses the dress across her arm and bows to me softly.

"Would you like me to help you wash?" She asks. I tiredly shake my head, and the girl trickles out of the bathroom quickly. Once she's gone, I shuck my underwear off and step into the large bathtub, letting the scolding water heat my aching muscles. Good god, my body hurt. After we excused ourselves from Charlotte's place, we came back to the palace where we changed and then left out again. It had been around ten by the time we arrived at our second outing and word had gotten out about the new girl who loved to dance. Everyone had wanted to dance. My dogs were howling at the end of it, and by the time we called it quits with the balls and dancing, I couldn't even look at my pair of heels, let alone walk in them. Oh, but it didn't stop there, no ma'am. Cause apparently in Irene's twisted world, shopping at 2-3 in the morning is regular! It's for the photo shoot. She said. It'll be a fast outing. She said. What a lying witch. We hadn't made it back to the palace until five boarding six!

I wash up quickly and then I sit for a bit just letting the warmth lull me. That is until Winnie knocks on the door to remind me about breakfast and the clothes on my bed. I sigh thunking my head into the curve of my palms before sinking under the water of the tub.


Running down the stairs I hustle my way towards the dining area, where Irene is waiting at the head of the table which is long stretching to fit about sixteen people. Its surface is made from glossy dark wood material with the middle contrasting in a lighter shade and there's gold fitted around the corners. I pull out the chair on the opposite side of Irene, the foot, and sit down in it. Irene tsks shaking her head.

"No chéri, sit here," A servant comes forth pulling out the seat to her right. I look at it for a long time before standing up, pushing my chair in, and traveling to the appointed one. Once again, I take a seat, and then the man pushes me in. "How are you dear?" She asks. A small cart gets wheeled into the room, and another maid with a long Dutch braid places our plates on the table as well as pitchers of juice, along with a bottle of wine.

"Tired and aching." I reply lifting one of the forks, tracing the designed swirls engraved on it, and then I begin to eat. Irene hums to herself and then picks up the bottle of wine, pouring herself a glass. It rushes from the bottle, staining the sides of the glass as it climbs up the sides. When she finishes the pour, she crosses her leg and leans back watching me. I can feel her eyes following my every movement.

"Have you ever been intimate with a submissive?" What the hell? I set my fork down and chew up my food before looking towards the woman.

"And why does that matter?" Irene sips at the wine and begins swirling her cup.

"Have you scened with anyone yet? No...." She says tapping her chin as she gives me a wolfish grin. "You haven't got your licenses to do so. You haven't properly played with anyone other than the basic teaching lessons. But those are exactly what they're called, just lessons." All emotion slips from my face, and I stare the woman down until she squirms a bit in her chair.

"Why so serious darling? I just want you to have fun here. Do you want to have fun?" Her voice drops an octave and her eyelids lower as she continues watching me. Ever so slow she slides her other hand across the table closer and closer until her fingers are brushing against my arm. I don't hesitate in snatching her wrist up and squeezing tightly, finally fed up with her antics. She winces trying to wring it free, but I hold firm.

"Irene, dear," She's already set the glass down in an exchange for trying to grab at my arm. But I don't budge. "Enough is enough. Stay out of my personal business and be respectful of our contract. Keep making advances at me and I will be obliged to have you punished." She winces out a scoff still trying to paw at my hand.

"A-and who may I ask, is going to punish me? You?" I tug her out of her chair and onto her knees. She looks up at me through the curtain of her hair, and I smile back down at her.

"Sadly, I am not qualified. But I'm starting to notice that a lot of people are real soft on me. A lot of high-status people. And I'm sure if enough of them come together, something can be figured out." I finally let her wrist go, and the woman clutches it close to her chest.

"I could ruin you." She warns. I step closer until my foot is just barely touching her knee.

"Ruin me?" My features go slack, and I let the mirth disappear from my face, holding the woman's stare I flare my aura to its highest potency, making the woman curl in on herself. Her nails rake down the marble of the floor, and she cries into the black ink of her hair. "Irene my dear, one day your influence isn't going to matter. You can keep knocking people off pedestals, pushing them into the dirt, prodding at healing wounds, but one day someone's not gonna have anything left to lose. And then what's going to stop them from punishing you? Hmm Irene? Tell me what's going to happen then?" I take a step back and let my aura slowly dissipate.

"Ruin me, and maybe we'll find out. Okay?" The words come out softly, but the venom behind it is nothing less than lethal. I take another step backward.

She remains on the floor panting to herself, her hair still fanned in front of her face picking up the tiniest bits of dust from the ground. Some of her strands dance in the air, waving back and forth ethereally due to the static. Irene was beautiful and beautifully gilded she was. For under all that beauty truly lied something wicked.

"What are you?" The woman grinds out slowly raising her head. How ironic. I sit back down at the table and lift my fork.

"I'm hungry," I say diving back into the food with vigor. Irene just sits there blankly until I roll my eyes down at her. "Stop sitting on the floor, get up, and eat your food." I say while pouring myself a glass of juice. She slowly picks herself up on shaky legs and then picks her fork up taking small quavering mouthfuls.

"Well, this was a lovely breakfast, Irene. I'll be excusing myself though, morning lessons you know." I scoop the last bit of egg into my mouth before scooting out of my chair. Irene doesn't say a single word, not even when I leave the room, not even when I linger for a few minutes in the hall, not even when she pushes her chair back letting it scrape against the floor so that she can flee down the opposite hall, her heels clicking frantically.

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