Chapter 26 Crimson Kisses For Him part 2

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I blink away the painful burn from the blinding light of the sun, squinting as my vision focuses. Lifting my arm, I drape it across my eyes, grumbling softly to myself.

"Will?" I whisper. The room is silent, no rustling of clothing, or the gentle pitter-patter of the crystalline shower. "William?" Slipping out of the comforter, I trek over to the closet to sift through the selection of robes he left me. Once I find the robe with the little black-lace butterflies, I slip the soft material across my shoulders and flourish the bottom. If Will wasn't here, then I was going to go and find him. With a quick glance towards the overhead mirror, I lift a timid hand to the pinkish marks dotting along the column of my neck. A small smile catches the corner of my mouth, and with one last glance to my disheveled appearance, I turn on my heels in search of my lover.


"Good morning," I nuzzle the side of Will's head and the boy sighs into his warm mug of coffee. "Why do you keep disappearing before I wake up?" I take the seat next to him folding my arms as I rest my head against them. He sets his mug down and scrubs at his eyes tiredly.

"Ezra, we talked about this." Pursing my lips, I sink into the chair.

" could work between us." We've been together since his first arrival to the mansion, about six months to be exact. A mutual coming together solely on the fact that we had both been alone, aching deep inside for the comfort of another. We would fit so well together, maybe not perfectly, but damn close to it. The only problem was that Will held strong to his submissive gene and every-so-often couldn't quite provide. But that was only a minor inconvenience.

"It was wrong of us both to keep this relationship up," I bite the bottom of my lip going to reach for his hand for anything, but at the last-minute thinking twice about it. "What we's unhealthy and I blame myself for letting it spiral so—"

"William please, you're all I have." His brows crease.

"And that just proves my point." Will scooches out of his chair taking the empty mug with him.

"You said!" I tug the robe closer feeling a horrible coldness take over my body.

"I know, and I'm sorry." He leaves the mug in the sink and disappears into the darkness of the hallway.


I curl around the warmth of my mistress, tangling my fingers in her long auburn hair. The woman cracks an eyelid, reddish lashes fanning wide and so thick. She grins stretching her limbs before sitting her body down to peer at me.

"Good morning my sleepy boy." She tilts my head up and I let her lay a soft kiss to the curve of my neck. I sigh into the gesture and grow lax under her kind gentle hands. Peeking up at her through my eyelashes a sense of completion fills me, I was wanted here in her arms. And she adored me treated me like I was a good boy, a good submissive.

"Good morning." The woman crawls out of the bed, her rosy nipples on full display as well as the paleness of her backside. She reaches upward stretching her muscles, and I can't help but follow the defined lines of her body. She shoots me a wicked grin and beckons me with a lazy come here gesture of her finger. I crawl across the mattress and right into her awaiting arms.

"Now come along, let's go shower last night's activities away," She reaches down until her hand is wrapped tight around my cock, squeezing just the smallest amount of pressure. It's enough to elicit a moan from me. "And maybe you can satisfy my hunger." I nod and the woman gives me an approving smile leading me into the bathroom and under the hot spray of the showerhead. Once there, she beckons me to my knees and I can't help but think, 'this is surely the one'.

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