Chapter 33

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"I'll go speak with Elanor," Ezra finally says, untangling his arms from around my own. His body is tense, muscles clenching so tight I'm surprised he hasn't snapped like a rubber-band. "I'm sure she can clear somethings up, I'm sure." His head lolls towards the staircase, eyeing each step with something akin to desperation. Noma reaches out fast encasing his small wrist in the grip of her palm, she shakes her head once, and then again in finality.

"No, I'll go and speak with her. That'll keep the situation unagitated, and I'll be able to discuss Tamako's return." Ezra's pupils constrict, and his jaw flexes. Noma holds his gaze, and then finally lets her grip ease up. He lets his wrist drop limp at his side.

"I'll be right back, just...just stay here." She spins on her heels trailing the banister with her hair fluttering around her waist. When she gets the top of the staircase the woman freezes, clenching the rail while peering over her shoulder at me. Her eyes drop and she shakes her head, barely noticeable with that she's gone.

"Am I going to have to leave?" I mumble. Tamako remains silent letting her attention fall on one of the corners of the room, Ezra also doesn't utter a word. He remains rooted to his spot, gaze unfocused as if he were peering into another realm or watching a prophetic vision. I call his name ever so soft, but the Sub doesn't seem to hear past the roaring of his mind. I reach out skimming across his arm causing the boy to jerk away and hunch into his body.

"Ezra?" His eyes fall close.

"I knew it," He croaks. "I knew this was going to happen, I felt it, hell I even dreamed about it." He shoots me this look, something dark which only lasts for a split millisecond, and then he takes a step towards me, hands quivering, eyes blinking rapidly. Ezra reaches a hand up caressing the curve of my cheek, the curl of my baby hairs, the bunched meat of my brow.

"It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt so bad. I don't think I'll be able to survive the pain." He says voice clipped.

"What are you talking about—"

"The bond, she'll break it even though it's almost fully developed. She's greedy and doesn't like her little plants gravitating towards other suns," He clenches at my pajamas tugging me closer. My heart speeds up.

"That's dangerous."

"She won't care," Ezra's head falls into the dip of my neck and he keeps it tucked there for hours it seems. "I can't even do anything! I can't even do anything..." My bond with Ezra was to be broken? I wouldn't have to be his Mistress anymore; in fact, our contract wouldn't be valid anymore. I could just leave, no more sketchy flash drives, no more confusing emotions, no more Ezra. Something deep within twinges at the thought of abandoning him. No, leaving Amanita'Rose, this was leaving. And yet even I can't believe that. A part of me fears the Sub, fears about what he's capable of, and yet even with that lingering fear I still can't just walk away. He needed help, psychological help, but he also needed someone he could rely on, someone who could love him unconditionally and stand next to him through thick and thin. Someone who wouldn't just judge him off his past without knowing the full story, someone who would teach him the difference between abuse and actual love. Love from the mind-body and soul. He needed someone who'd gaze upon him as if he were a walking ray of pure sunlit energy, holy brilliant light, and not some broken boy. He needed a partner.

"Ezra..." And it feels as if my heart is unraveling, blooming into millions of tiny little petals. It feels as if my eyes are open for the very first time, and maybe, just maybe this is what having a bond should feel like. All the time.

"Oh, Noma is back." He steps around me to meet up with the woman in the middle of the stairs, I find myself holding my breath as she rubs at his arm soothingly.

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