Chapter 32

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"Ama'Rose is that you?"


The strobing of the lights is like molasses trickling across his face, soaking into the white of his button-up, only to zip across the wideness of his obsidian eyes. He wrings a striped rag between his fingers before tucking it into the depths of his apron, and then he glances at Ezra.

"What are you—"

"I work here," He answers quickly. "— what are you doing here?" He looks back towards Ezra, and god if he doesn't look conspicuous. Ezra grabs at my hand and squeezes softly, I squeeze back once, before letting the appendage slip across my fingers.

"Buy me a drink and I'll tell you all about it." Jessi blinks once, twice, and then chokes a bit tripping on his own legs before awkwardly chuckling. He shoves a hand to the back of his neck only to snatch it down, burrowing it in the depths of his apron's pouch.

"Mistress who is he?" Ezra sinks into the cushions on the floor, trying his damnedest to keep the crooked tilt on his lips from making an appearance.

"He was a classmate of mine." That seems to ease the tautness in his face, but not the heavy feeling which constricts around my heart. I reach down trapping his chin between my thumb and index finger, and I tilt his head up so that he can peer into my eyes. He bites his lip and I watch as his Adam apple bobs.

"Trust, Ezra." He pushes into the touch whining ever so gently, barely audible.

"It's hard," He chokes. And god do I know the feeling...hell, I was such a hypocrite. "But I'll try, I will." He promises. The constricting feeling lingers for a split second more before dissipating, leaving warmth and this sort of acceptance behind. My body moves on its own accord; leaning in close to Ezra. He stretches up winding his fingers in my hair while slowly raising from his kneeled position. He rises like a graceful dancer magnetizing me closer.

And then we're as one.

Connected by the lips in this tantalizing rush of energy, pulsing light, dare say unconditional love. I pull him in closer, and he just melts pressing back into me with just as much need. This is what it should feel like when I think of Ezra, but—

"Sorry." He releases me as if I've scorned him and backs away with his arms tucked behind his back.

"Ezra what's—"

"I'm going to go find the others okay?" The male hops off the platform and without a second glance back, he disappears in the bumping of bodies, and the back and forth swaying of the lights. Fuck why was this so... so confusing.

"Woah you um, is he...what?" I walk around the crowd control rope, catching Jessi's arm to tug the boy away from the VIP lounge. I bring him to a secluded area that's just shy behind the bar, compacted in a shadowy corner away from peering eyes, and opened ears.

"I was offered residential living and protection and mandatory teaching, seeing that I take a submissive under my wing. Ezra Wellington, the boy you just saw."

"Have you told him?"

"No! I haven't told anyone," Jessi furrows his brow. "Except you. Anyway, it seems as if the longer I stay in that manor the more shit ends up hitting the fan. I just found out my biological mother is also SS rank and is most likely in witness protection. I'm forming a bond, and my sub could possibly be a criminal who got away with whatever the fuck he did! To make matters worst I have crucial evidence which could tell me everything about him, and I can't even get into it!" I whisper harshly folding my arms across my chest.

"Woah wait, bonded? Shit, that's deep." Jessi says. He scratches at the top of his head before sighing. "But like about the other thing, the evidence thing. What is it?"

Mistress's Good Boy (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora