Chapter 37

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The limo pulls into the rounded drive through bringing us in front of the large columns of the building. Irene uncaps a silver tube of lipstick and expertly drags it across her lips with something akin to memorization and then she dabs at them with an emerald handkerchief, already exiting the vehicle. My side finally opens, and the chauffeur holds his white-cladded hand out towards me, his other resting behind his back. I slip my fingers into his firm hand and leave the vehicle.

"Now remember chéri everyone is going to be watching you, so do try and remain out of any fights. No repeats of our first encounter okay dear?" She slips her arms through mine and plants a large camera-ready smile on her face.

"Can't make any promises." I mumble to myself while patting her arm. I cock an eyebrow and subconsciously raise my head while airing out my presence. Irene glances at me from the corner of her eye and bares her canines her aura blipping ever so slightly.

"I could never tire of you," She whispers to me while guiding me through the large estate. Obviously, she'd be familiar with this place. "You're like a breath of fresh air. Something about you is unique." Irene gushes.

"Now you're a waxing lyricist? Keep playing this game and it'll seem like you have favorites." I retaliate. Two doormen nod towards us before opening ruby-plated doors. Thanking them quietly, I guide Irene into the ballroom.

"Everyone secretly has a favorite something." I narrow my eyes towards her just as one of the cameras flash, and then a handful of people break into bountiful laughter. I look towards the group.

"Irene, It seems you're already getting into trouble." A woman says walking straight for us. She crosses her arms while pursuing her lips and then she's baring her aura letting it crash down on me. She doesn't seem bothered by the sudden challenge stake and swirls her wine glass as she watches for a reaction.


"Do you not have any manners?" I ask squashing her very essence away. When it's completely gone, I give the woman a taste of her own medicine letting her senses flood with only that of my aura. Her fingers go slack, and her wine glass tips dangerously, letting its contents spill across the floor. Irene huffs hiking the pure white of her dress away from the purplish-red pool and then she tugs at my arm causing me to lose my concentration. Everything rushes back towards me making my head spin for a split second.

"Oh my, I hadn't realized you'd be so potent," She says stepping over the puddle of wine. She circles around me, each step causing a red ringlet of hair to bounce across her breast. "I'm pleasantly surprised." Irene frees her arm from mine and reaches for one of the flutes of champagne on the tray. The servant nods to her and continues making his rounds.

"Charlotte, I did tell you she was something else, did I not?" Irene says sipping at the glass.

"I wanted to test the new girl myself and get a gauge on her. You know, from a dominatrix's perspective?" She replies leaning in closer. The green satin of her dress shifts ever so slightly as she crosses her arms under her bosom.

"And I can say, I was not disappointed," Charlotte says. She takes up the space next to me and wraps an arm around my waist. "Do you mind if I steal her for a bit? I'm sure Donovan would absolutely love to meet her." Irene smirks from behind her glass.

"She's here under a pink contract Lotti, now is not the time to be playing matchmaker for your little brother." The redheaded woman waves Irene off with a small flick to her wrist.

"Did you or did you not bring her here for some publicity? Donovan knows a lot of people and could get her some good deals." Charlotte counters. Irene purses her lips at the woman's words. "Once I've introduced them, I'll return your precious little étoile. Don't forget this is a social event, where people socialize don't be a hog."

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