Chapter 2

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Hey everyone, sorry for the wait. For most of my stories, I usually write them out on paper first as a type of foundation as to what I want the chapter to look like. And while writing this chapter, I ran into roadblocks on how to word somethings. Now with this out of the way, on to the story!

Sans' POV

For the past week, I have noticed 7 skeletons following me. Out of those 7, I only recognize 2 of them, the one that followed me before and my pit pick victim. So I think it's safe to say that he noticed. The others are probably friends of his.

At the moment, Papyrus and I are sitting in Central Park. I'm teaching him how to read and enjoying the sun. I thankfully have not seen any of the skeletons so far. That would just suck to get Paps involved. "F-fluffy Bunny wants to p-play hop-hops-sc"


"It looks weird!"

"Most words do Paps."


Cross' POV

I was walking around Central Park to get a break from the idiots that I call my friends, when I noticed a certain blue wearing skeleton sitting on a bench with, what looks to be, a younger skeleton. I quickly get out of sight a call Nightmare. "Boss."

-"What is it Cross?"-

"I found the kid, he's in Central Park with what appears to be a younger kid."


"Near the middle of the park."

-"Try and keep him there, we're on our way."-

He then hangs up, leaving me to watch the two as I wait.


About 30 minutes has gone by. I'm about to call Nightmare again when suddenly he appears right next to me. "Where is he Cross?"

I point towards where they are still reading. "HaVe ThEy BeEn ReAdInG tHiS wHoLe TiMe?" I nod a turn towards Nightmare. "What's the plan Boss?"

"Surround them, Dust make sure to block his magic. He is not allowed to escape this time."

We then split up to surround them. God I hope this works.


Sans' POV

I look down one of the walkways and see a black gooey skeleton with four tentacles sticking out of his back,  wearing what appears to be a dress shirt, dress pants, and shoes and icy blue eye staring right at me. Crap. I look at Paps and slowly close the book. "Time to go Bro." I whisper. Paps looks at me, slightly uneasy. "Brother?!"

"Leaving already?"

I look behind us and see another skeleton with, what appears to be black tears dripping from his eye sockets, wearing a black T-shirt, denim blue jeans, with black sneakers. He had no eye lights. "We just got here."

I grab Paps hand and pull him with me to get away from him. Then another skeleton, the first one that followed me, was suddenly in front of us. I looked to the left and there stood a glitchy black skeleton with blue like tears trailing from his eyes. He was wearing a red dress shirt, black pants, and grey boots. He red eye sockets, with one eye being blue and yellow and the other one being blue, yellow, and red. I then looked to my right and saw another skeleton had joined the octopus one. He was wearing a white hoodie, a red shirt, black pants and black and white shoes. He had a red zigzag scar on his right cheek, with the right eye being red and the other one was white.

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