Hinata: Don't die on me!

Kaito: Trying my best not to!

Hinata pops out and shoots the man in the head. He then got up and dragged Kaito back to base. Then the bright light light came back and Kaito began to scream in pain as well, his eyes a blood red.

Nagato: We need to stop this!

Then the room changed again and Dimitri was seen charging through a city along with what seems to be dozens of his comrades. Machine gun fire is heard and men to the left and right of Dimitri fell down, screaming. Dimitri tripped and a body fell right in front of him, the head gone. Then a man in a blue hat and blue pants raised his pistol shot into the air.

Man: Come on comrades! For the Soviet Union! For our great city!

Dimitri got up and started to charge again. In front of him where bodies upon bodies of his fellow soldiers and  the enemy. He jumped upon them and stabbed a man with his bayonet. He then grabs his knife and continued to fight in close quarters combat. Suddenly the sound of an engine is heard and a tank came crashing out of the building.

Officer: Comrade! Kill that Panther!

Dimitri: Yes sir!

Dimitri grabbed a panzershreck from a dead German soldier and raised it above his shoulder. A bullet hits his hip but he kept his aim up.

Dimitri: For the motherland!

The panzershreck fires and the tank goes up in flames. But then the light came back Dimitri was going through the same thing as.

Giovanni: Wait if the trend keeps going then.......

John: Son of a bi-

John never got to finish his sentence and he disappears while the wall lights up again. He is seen running through a desert with explosions all around him. He then enters a small city and is immediately under fire. He ducks behind a well and returns fire when the soldier reloads. Soon Alex joins him and gave him cover fire with his Tommy gun.

John: Left!

Alex turned left and cut down three German soldiers who where trying to flank them. John got up and kicked down a door to a building. He then fires at a German who was in the corner and Alex quickly took care of another group of Germans who where trying to make their way to the two.

Alex: We need help fast!

John: We can get help when we get to cover!

John ducked down as Machine gun bullets rip past his head and he returns fire with his rifle. He reloads it and checks his ammo count.

John: I'm almost out, you?

Alex: I got nothing.

Suddenly the sound of engines roared and they both looked outside to see three tanks all with a red,white, and blue circle on the turret.

Alex: Those are ours!

John: Let's go!

They came out of the building and quickly rejoined the battle with a sudden cloud of dust rising up.

Alex: Mines!

A man in the front is seen with no legs and a medic runs over and tries to save his life.

Medic: I need water!

John: Her, I got some!

John tossed the Medic his canteen which the medic caught and began to give the man aid. Then the wall glows again and Giovanni vanished. A whistle sound is heard and Giovanni is seen running towards a trench.

Giovanni: How many?!

Soldier 1: Too many!

Soldier 2: We are almost out of bullets!

Then hundreds of shadows came through the mist and soldiers that look like Dimitri came rushing at Giovanni and the men around him.

Giovanni: Keep holding on!

The soldiers fired everything they had and bodies upon bodies fall.

Prince of Wales: This wasn't an attack, this is a massacre.

Enterprise: W-what is this...

Karl: Stalingrad....

Javelin: S-s-stalingrad...

Karl: The Soviets just sent hundreds of men towards our lines.....we run out of bullets, but they still have enough bodies to throw at us....

Suddenly a scream is heard and the man next to Giovanni falls to the ground clutching his chest.

Giovanni: Sniper!

Soldier 1: I'm out!

Soldier 3: So am I!

Then more Soviet soldiers came and charged at the men again.

Officer 1: Fall back! Fall back!

The men inside the trenches began to leave and run the other way. They ran with no order or coordination as men fall left and right from gunfire.

Giovanni: Go! Go!

Giovanni slowly made his way back, diving under cover and throwing grenades at the incoming horde, when he was out of grenades he used his pistol, and when that was out he threw rocks. Finally he began to run as well. Bullets zip past his head as he along with the rest of the army ran away from the horde that was snapping at their heels. Then the process repeats itself and soon only one remained.

Karl: Well shi-

Karl vanished and the first thing the ships saw was a pile of dead bodies in a hole.

Illustrious: Unicorn, don't look!

Laffey: Laffey scared...

Many of the ships began to get sick as Karl and a couple of other soldiers began to put dirt over them. Karl was seen with tears in his eyes however he is trying his best to keep them in. Suddenly the man with the skull on his cap came up to Karl and gave him slip of paper.

Man: Look at you. Got yourself a post on the most quiet part of the entire German Reich.

Karl: Sir?

Man:  Get your stuff, you're leaving for Normandy.

Karl: Yes sir...

Karl began to get his stuff and as he made his way to the gate he was greeted by a man with a Wehrmacht uniform on.

Man: Hello Private Karl.

Karl saluted the man.

Karl: Hello sir.

Man: I heard that you have been here for a while so I decided that you should be trustworthy enough to come to Normandy.

Karl: Yes sir.

Man: Good, now come on.

Karl nodded and put his bag in the back of the car. He then opened the door and joined the man in the car. The car goes off, away from the camp. The bright light came back and Karl was down for the count. The ships where all in shock at what happened to all the boys but then a voice is heard from behind them.

Tester: This......this wasn't supposed to happen......

The Soldiers of Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now