"Him and Scorpio will be here in about thirty... so how are you really feeling, not physically but how is your mental health." I asked my big brother, Dex grew up in that football lifestyle so I knew it was hard for him to open up about his feelings because that's just not the type of dude he was.

"I guess this has given me clarity of who my real friends are.... Lavercier is the only person who had come to check on me, he calls every day and asks how my therapy is going, checks on my emotional state... everyone else seemed to forget that I even existed. And I know they all have their own lives but damn a text would be nice." Dex said.

"Yeah Lavercier has always been a real one... but don't worry about them niggas, you got a solid support system; me, mom, dad, Uncle Neji, Tripp, Naz.... them niggas are going to realize that they fucked up and come crawling back once you get back on your feet." I said.

"Like that nigga Omari?" Dex asked and I guess I kinda walked into that one. "I told you I never trusted that nigga, he always just came across as a diva to me but you always brushed aside my advice like I wasn't telling you straight facts."

"Yeah, yeah you were right about that nigga... but I'm not looking back despite the fact that he thinks I owe him something." I said before telling Dex about my entire interaction with Omari. "He's been blowing up my phone to the point that I'm getting ready to block him." I said.

"Don't work with that dude Naz because if you do, then you'll end up looking stupid. I've dealt with dudes like Omari in the past, if he succeeds it's because of him, and if he fails he'll put the blame on you.... it's not worth it." Dex said and he didn't have to tell me, I wasn't falling into that trap again. Somehow I ended up back in the kitchen with my mom, while Tripp was in the living room.

"I love him so much... I definitely like him more than the other one." She said and I knew she was referring to Evan, yeah things with him were.... complicated, my mom never liked him but it only intensified when Evan leaked my nudes, not that I had anything to be embarrassed about but my mom kept getting flooded with pics of my dick and ass. "I don't know what made you think you could trust that boy with those kinds of pics." She said aggressively washing the dishes, I guess the theme of the day was pointing out how trusting I was.

"I'm going to keep apologizing for that mom...." I said, Evan was pissed that I cut him off to be with Tripp but my thing is we were never in a relationship, we were just fuckin and I'd never thought he'd react the way that he did but I guess that goes to show you can't trust everyone even the ones you call friends.

"It's so nice to hear your brother laugh." She said as Dex roared with laughter from the living room. "De'Vaugh go see who's at the door." My mom said as someone started knocking and I looked at her because Dex and Tripp were both sitting there but I quickly did what she said because I wasn't trying to get cussed out.

"So this is where your ass been hiding, I've been calling you all damn day." Jacobi said walking it with Naz and Scorpio. While they talked with Dex I took the dogs out back and scrolled through my phone, damn I really had a lot of pictures of my and Tripp, if my phone was ever stolen...... my mom might kill me because some of these pics were.....the dogs started barking and growling, I looked up and saw two dudes standing at the fence; Omari and Zelle.

"Y'all must got a deathwish.... especially you." I said pointing to Zelle. "Fuck are y'all doing here?" I asked walking over to the fence and patting the dogs on the head to get them to calm down.

"Well, you've been dodging my calls.... I want you to pass on a message to Slayer, Zelle wants to talk to him; man to man. Also I want you to get Scorpio and Babyface together, we all need to talk." Omari said.

"You know where Slayer usually be at and I'm not a fuckin messenger, as for Scorpio and Babyface if you wanna talk to them nigga you can....." I heard the door open but I wasn't stupid enough to turn away from the two of them.

"AYY DAY-DAY!!!!" Scorpio yelled and once he saw who I was talking to he was at my side. "Dafuq y'all doing here?" Scorpio asked and I heard the door open again, this time I turned to see Jacobi, Tripp, Naz, and Dex all standing on the small ass porch.

"Do what the fuck I said De'Vaugh...." Omari said walking off with his bitch ass cousin. We went back in the house and I wasn't feeling the fact that Omari thought he was in a position to give me orders and I really wasn't feeling the fact that they had popped up at my parent's house and I knew sooner or later I was going to have to deal with them... or rather I was going to have to go to someone I knew would and thankfully I knew he wanted Zelle dead so it was only a matter of time before that happened, now I just needed to figure out what to do with Omari...............

"Face.... yeah I know it's been a while but I need to talk to you, when will you be back in ATL?" I asked my old friend Babyface, though we didn't have the best relationship, I still felt like he should know what was going on and maybe he'd be able to help me figure out how to handle Omari............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; August, Slayer, Beaux, or Tripp?

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