Chapter 13

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Alex's P.O.V

I was in the Bayou with Charles, Aiden, Victor, and Hayley talking through our current problems. My thoughts traveled to the Mikaelson family breakfast currently going down at home. I wonder if they've killed anyone yet. "The wolves are freaking out. They know it had to be an insider who took down Vincent last night, seeing as no one could have been anywhere near him," Aidan expressed to us as he paced back and forth.

I was sitting on top of the table with my feet on the bench below me. Hayley sat next to me on the bench to the right, with Victor standing next to her and Charles sat behind us. Charles learned of Ansel's death earlier today and had asked me if Klaus had done it. I didn't answer him and from the look he gave, he knew what my silence meant. The rest of the pack was doing their own thing as we talked.

"Did anyone suspect it was you?" Victor asked and Aiden shook his head.

"No, not yet. But, they're gonna figure it out, which pretty much means I'm screwed unless we come up with a plan." He explained.

"Call a meeting. The whole pack, tonight. If they're so scared, now's the perfect time to convince them they need to ditch Esther." I told him. Aiden held up his hand where he wore his moonlight ring.

"She gave them moonlight rings," Aidan stated and I sighed.

"Well, those rings make you slaves," Hayley said to him.

"No! They make us powerful. We were exiles before, but now we run the city! The vampires are scared of us, and nobody, including me, is just gonna walk away from that because -" Aiden got cut off.

"Set the damn meeting," Charles said annoyed with him and walked away. I looked at Aiden then stood up and followed my son to the dock, where he had just opened a can of beer.

"Is this how you planned speeches back in the day?" I asked him as I sat down next to him.

"You guys are the Alphas, you make the speeches. Don't play the good cop with me, you're as guilty as Klaus." Charles said and I grabbed the beer from him.

"I know you're angry and one day I hope you understand why I let him go through with it," I told him as I stood up and walked over to the table behind us. I placed the beer down and looked at all the journals, as Charles stood up.

"Why did you let him go through with it?!" Charles asked me and I froze. "What's so important that you would let your boyfriend kill his own father?!"

"I can't-"

"-Say at the moment. Yeah, you don't say much anymore." He stated as he stood beside me. I closed my eyes and placed my hand on the table to steady myself. I want to tell you. I want to stop lying. I want your help to protect your siblings...but I can't do any of that yet.

"What's with the journals?" I asked him.

"Ansel told me a lot when we were up north. I wrote down everything he said. The entire history of our people. When I found out he was your boyfriend's father I asked a few more questions about him. They're the last entries." Charles explained.

"Can I look through them?" I asked. "There may be something in here that could help us."

"Don't bother. Victor and I were up all night looking through this, trying to find something, anything that will help us figure out how to get our people back together. If it exists, it's not in those," He told me, then grabbed his beer and walked away.

I looked up to see him turn the corner, before looking down with a sigh. I hate lying to him. Maybe I could call Klaus and ask. It never hurt to ask, even if I knew the answer. I pulled out my phone and dialed Klaus's number. I mean Victor and Hayley know, why not Charles? He was their brother after all.

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