Chapter 19: Home again

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Zavala stood, back to them, unmoving. He turned around and gave them a small smile.

"Jel... Garter... Kel... you all showed true bravery in the heart of that fortress, and for that, I sincerely thank you."

Jel, Kel and Garter nodded and smiled.

"Kel and Garter, you are dismissed.  Jel, stay."

Garter and Kel turned and walked out of the tower briefing room, and the titan vanguard turned to look at Jel.

"Jel, I will be giving you a basic overview of your next mission.  Understood?"

"Yes, commander." Zavala and Jel then began to discuss the fireteam's next adventure.

Destiny: Fireteam 46: The Hive Fortress (1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ