Chapter 9: The Pit

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Jel hit the ground with a thud. He didn't move. His ghost, Tezatrin, uncloaked and looked down at Jel's body. She sighed, and began to revive him.

Rays of light shot out of the ghost, and as they hit him, he began to heal. Bones snapped back into place. His heart began to beat again. He woke with a start, gasping, and then slowly stood up.

"Thanks, Tez." His ghost nodded in recognition.

Jel looked up back at the hole he fell through. The door had closed behind him.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to find another way out." Jel said.

After Tezatrin had disappeared again, he picked his gun up from the floor and began walking down a long passageway that was to the side of the pit.  He would get back up... somehow.

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