Chapter 16: Destroying the Generator

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After several minutes of trying to open the door, the group managed to open it.

They walked through and saw they were on a ledge, and in front of them, in the distance, was the generator.

"This is it, guys." Kel said. "Garter, you'll go to the generator and overload it, and me and Jel will cover you."

"Got it."

Jel nodded his head.

"Okay... Go!"

They jumped off the ledge and landed on the ground below, and crouched to avoid being seen.

Garter ran around the perimeter of the room and to the generator.

"Now!" Kel said, as he and Jel stood up and opened fire on the Hive.


Harakë looked down at the generator room and chuckled. The guardians were so foolish. They wouldn't even know what hit them.

He watched as the titan ran around the room, and then the hunter and warlock popped up and fired at his soldiers. It didn't matter. This fireteam would be dead by tommorrow.


Kel kept firing at the Hive as he saw Garter flipping switches and levers on the generator's console, trying to overload the machine.

Kel heard something behind him and turned, and was surprised to see a Hive knight about to bring it's sword down on Kel's head.

Kel jumped to the side as the knight swung it's sword and smashed the ground.

Kel reached out and grabbed the knight's back and hopped onto it's shoulders.

The knight roared and grabbed at its back, eventually succeeding in pulling Kel off.  It lowered him down to it's face level and snarled.

Right before the knight slammed Kel into the ground, Jel fired into the knight's face, and it fell to the ground, dead.

Jel ran over and helped Kel up. "Thanks." Kel said.

Two more knights entered the room, both with shields and swords.  Kel and Jel shot them, but there guns did nothing against the thick hide off the shields.

Over on the otherside of the room, Garter pulled a lever, and an alarm began to go off.  He shot the console a few times just for good measure and looked over to see how the others were doing, and saw that they were fighting two knights, Kel with his golden gun and Jel with his scout rifle.

Garter ran and jumped into the air, and flew over to were the other two were fighting.  With the alarm blaring in the background, together the three teammates defeated the knights.

They then turned and ran out the door, as the generator continued to overload.

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