Chapter 3: Jel

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Jelaphantamean hunched over a book, his eyes scouring the pages. He didn't notice the person sneaking up behind him until it was too late.


Jelaphantamean jumped out of his chair with a yelp and landed on the ground with a thud. "Jel! Are you OK?!" the person said.

Jel groaned and rubbed his forehead, then opened his eyes to see who was talking to him.  As he thought, it was Brittany.  She extended her arm and helped him to his feet.

"Sorry to scare you like that, I was just coming over to hang for a bit, but Zavala has been looking for you."

Brittany noticed that Jel was preoccupied looking at one of his books, which was laying page-up on the floor.

"Theories on the origins of the Traveler? Jel, can you hear me? Jel!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and gave him a light shake. "Brittany... why did it choose me?" Jel asked solemnly.

"You mean The Traveler? How am I supposed to know? I don't know why it chose me. Most of us don't." Brittany said.

"I just..." Jel trailed off and rubbed his forehead. "Yes?" Brittany prodded.

"Out of so many people it could have chosen to be a guardian... it chose me.  And... I'm not sure why." Jel said, turning to look out the window, which overlooked the Last City.

They stood in silence for a moment, until Brittany spoke. "Well..., it probably chose you because you're brave, and strong, and wise, and most importantly... you're kind."

Jel was quiet for a moment, and then said "Thanks, Brittany."

"Don't mention it. If you ever need a friend to talk to, I'll always be here. Now, about Zavala-"

"Okay, okay, I'll be there in a minute." Jel stated.

After Brittany left the room, Jel sighed and looked down at the book on the floor. Yeah... friend.

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