I had no clue what he was talking about. No smart person would understand! (A/N: I just indirectly called Adrien dumb and/ or dense... *runs away from the fangirls*)

Kagami- Well, if I'm being honest, I never really loved Kagami. I mean sure, at one point we got close, but nah. I never liked her. For an extremely smart girl, she can be pretty dense.

I mean, look at me! I'm not dense!

Anyway, she keeps pursuing me, even though I've told her I love someone else. rEpEaTeDlY. Woah is this how Ladybug feels?!

Anyway, I'd better get to sleep. Tomorrow, I'll decide who I love. For now, I'll just...Zzz...

Marinette's POV

I let out a breath once I could hear Adrien softly snoring away. I just faked being asleep so he wouldn't try to initiate a conversation- I couldn't deal with a conversation if I couldn't even deal with my emotions.

Right, I thought to myself, let's sort out my feelings.

Okay, so Adrien- yeah, it's not exactly a secret that I like him, heck, even love him. But ever since he's told me that iconic 'the girl I love', let's just say my feelings have diminished. You all know the day I met him, the umbrella, blah blah blah. Well, let's just say I may or not be falling for another blonde.

Chat Noir- wow, I never thought I'd be having this conversation with myself about him. I think it was the day Adrien said the whole 'girl I love speech' I went upstairs, cried for a bit (let's just leave out exactly how long I cried for, heh) and later Chat Noir visited me. He comforted me, and that's when I began falling, I guess. It's also been hard deciding between Adrien and Chat Noir. I confessed to Tikki about this, and the next morning I woke up to her repeatedly slamming her head onto my phone and mumbling about dense idiots.

I think I gave her too many cookies that day.

OH, and Luka- I liked him at one point, but I realized I don't love him. He's really kind, kind enough to understand that. Maybe if I don't get the boys I love I'll give him a chance.

Anyway, I had better get to sleep. I'll decide what to do in the morning; daybreak is always a good time for decisions.



Sorry for the long wait I was suffering from a disease.

It's called...

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