The Perverted Grape- Vincent x Reader

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Warning: Mentioning of hentai and sex-scenes! (It isn't really something that I need to warn about, since I'm not going into detail at all, but just in case or whatever!)

Also here, it's the whole picture from the cover!

Also here, it's the whole picture from the cover!

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You and, what you called the "Anime squad" aka Fritz and Jeremy, usually had sleepovers on Saturdays. At those sleepovers you stayed up late to watch anime, read manga, ship, y'know all the crap that you do together with your weeb friends.

Today was indeed Saturday, and you had been working on Freddie's together with the others the whole week, like usual. So today you were going to, as usual, have a sleepover with the Anime squad!

But this time you were extra excited. You know why? Because not only was it you, Jeremy and Fritz who was going to the sleepover, nah, but it was also Scott and Vincent!

They had never watched anime before, nor read any manga. So you said to them that today they were coming to your house for the sleepover, even if they wanted to or not!


You had said to Grape and Phone-head, who you were working the nightshift with at the moment. And none of them had been able to give you an answer because right after you said that the six am bell rang, and you being you rushed out of the office to get home to your bed as fast as possible.

They wasn't that confused to why you said that, since they know you and the Anime squad had your sleepovers ever so often. They also pretty much know what you do at them, since all of you always posted stuff on your Instagram or Snapchat story about it.


At the moment you, Fritz and Jeremy was at your house. The other two, Vincent and Scott, was a bit late. But you knew that that would happen, at least if we're talking about "The toast god", which is a nickname Vincent had given himself pretty long ago, because his extreme love for toast... 

Why does he like toast so much? You wanted to know that, but no one not even himself knew why..


The three of you was sitting on your couch looking for a anime to watch, all of you wanted to watch something new, something no one of you had seen before.

"What about this one? I haven't heard of it before"

"N-nether h-have I"

"Since no one of us have seen nor heard of it before that should be good!

The anime that Fritz had found had a pretty long Japanese name, not to mention a really weird one. You could never say that out loud without fucking it up at least ten times.

You all had decided to start watching it before the other two came, you know, we want the first anime our friends see to be one of the best ones. So yeah, we started watching it.

It started off normal and really good actually! 

Then after a few minutes it started to be more..Sexual shit...

The more you watched it the worst it got, and the more you blushed.

You looked at the other two to see their reaction to all of this, both of them were blushing, a lot, sitting still in shock starring with wide eyes at the TV with the sex scene on.

All of you, by now, knew that this wasn't just normal classic anime, this shit was fuckin' hentai!!

By now someone of you should've turned the "anime" off, but all of you were in shock, sitting still in silence, all you could hear was the moaning and shit from the TV.

And of course in the middle of this you heard a knock at your door. "C-come in!" You say, still eyes stuck in shock at the TV.

And coming in from the door was none other that Scott and Vincent. "Heey, sorry that we're l-"

Scott didn't finish his sentence before he too saw the TV and now stared at it in shock. And not long after Vincent got his eyes stuck as well, tho he didn't seem shocked, more...Pleased..?

Something we all in this room had in common at the moment tho was our faces, all of them just as red as Scott's phone head. Well we can't see Scott's face, but you're guessing that he is.

Then Vincent walks up to you with a perverted grin/smirk on his face, sits down beside you, putting an arm around you and whisper in your ear..

"If this is anime, we should watch this together more often, love~"

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