#(19)The Train Journey of Fahad and Fathima

Start from the beginning

" Firstly his helper, who could tell us about his motive,he is killed.Then the last chance was your aunt,whom he also has blocked from revealing the truth."

" So,there must'nt be anyone who needs to be killed ? For the killer?"

" There is,there is one more person,who can tell us something,"Fahad says with a smirk.

" Who is it?"

"His son. Mr.Hafiz Rahim.He lives in
Manchester city."

"Stop talking rubbish! Mr.Rahim's son is dead! He died in a car accident when Mr.Rahim lived in India! I myself went to his funeral! He was only 16 when he died..."

" It is not rubbish! I researched it! Mr.Rahim used to take money in an email of Mr.Hafiz Rahim from Manchester! I have got his address and he is a retired detective of DDUK Manchester branch! He came is also from India! What does these says?"He says furiously.

I pick the pen from his hand and hurt his hat with it slightly,he says," Ouch!"

" You,Mr.Detective Fahad! Mr.Hanif Rahman is Mr.Rahim's brother! Also was my Father's friend! You have researched much but didn't researched his age! He is as old as Mr.Rahim.And you are saying him,Mr.Rahim's brother? "

" Really? That Chen! He gave me only these information!But it hurts!"

"Sorry, Now don't blame him! Forget that,but the question is why Mr. Hafiz didn't come the day of Mr.Rahim's funeral? He is his own brother! He didn't even know Mr. Rahim's death?"

" That makes point,but there is another thing,why he sent money to Mr.Rahim?"

" It's normal ,a brother can send other brother money!"

"It's not normal at all! He used send money upto 10,000 dollars in every month!"

" So,what we have to do now?"

" Go to Manchester city?And bring him before the killer bring him to death?"

"Let me inform Mr Gateson to give us a car, "I say while trying to call Mr. Gateson.

"No! Wait! We can't let anyone know that we are going there!"

" But why?"

" The killer is somehow getting every information about us! If we tell others about it,he will find it.And he will be alerted! He will kill Mr.Hafiz before we can reach him.So,we have to ensure no one can find it.I said,NO ONE"

" Fine,but where do we get a car?"

" Do you think you can go there by car?"

" If not a car ,then what?"

" We have to go there soon! So,we have to find a faster route!"

" Ok,then I can book tickets of plane."

" No way! It's much complicated! Moreover to get a information of plane ticket is easy for the killer,we can be caught!"

" Ugh! Now stop! You arrange how we reach there! I am not doing anything!"I say with a irritating voice.

" We will go there by public train."

"What? A train?"

" Yes, it's the best way to go to Manchester."

" So let's go."

(At the Railway station)

We are in the Railway station for going to Manchester.Fahad has gone to book two tickets for the train.The train will come in 15 minutes.Thank Allah,we have reached here on time.I am sitting on a bench, waiting for the train and Fahad. I am satisfied as we have already prayed the Johor Prayer in a mosque before coming here.I have never seen a big station like this.I remember the crowded and dirty railway station of India.Though I love them very much.

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