Oh my God...


I don't know what to do. I'm dumbfounded. Ben sat there, face in his palms.

"This is so bad" Ben manages to say. "You see Ann was right!"


"What would happen if she refuses to come to the office on Monday."

"I'll text her."

<<Hey. I am so sorry. I'll make it up to you. Please come back.>>

press the send button

"Do you think she would read it"

"Yeah. Maybe." I say, rubbing my head."My head aches"

"Good night" Ben says as I get up from the sofa and walk upstairs.

"Good night" I say.

It's eight forty! The second floor is dark. I walk towards Austin's room as I hear moans.


Who is f*cking in my goddamn house. If it ain't me, then no one!.

I get closer to the sound of the moans. It's from Austin's room. I slightly open the door, slowly to avoid interrupting them. I stand behind the door and tilt my head, watching them from the little open space.

I couldn't identify the woman. How can he bring  a girl from nowhere...wait... Bianca!

The scene was getting disgusting so I slowly close the door and take what I saw in. Austin is supposed to leave early tomorrow. Why would he be banging with Bianca?!

Anyway, it's not like I care or something. I've got better stuff doing and better stuff to think about.

Trans-National, how could they? Well I'm not shocked. These things have been happening lately.

Ann's questions...

Her questions now made so much sense. The thing is how did she know?

She's smart, way, way smarter.

There are a lot more things in the inside.......than on the outside!

I need to make it up to Ann. How?
I know she would come back. She has no other job. I gave her a job, her only job.

I miss her...

Wait... Wielder International!

I remove my phone from my pocket and dial West's number as I continued walking to my room.

West is Austin's elder brother and my hired CEO of Wielder International.  Austin ones all the way here for us to discuss issues concerning the company and it's implemented there. Sometimes we do conference meetings online.

West, Austin and Jordan are my cousins. I used to live with them before my Dad came. We were really close so when dad came and decided to give me Wielder International as my company, I gave it to West to manage it. I did that because, West was stronger in the field of marketing than I. He did marketing in college and I did arts. I hired West and used the money to build JhayRay Arts.

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