Chapter 20: Is all forgiven?

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"What have I done?"

Grace looked at her husband and waited for him to continue.

"I just ruined our family". Grace didn't want to deny as it was true, but she also has her share. She, too, has her shortcomings in this. She was not a great mother to Mew, in fact, she was never a mother. She doesn't remember when she last bought Mew a toy when he was a kid. She doesn't remember when she ever bought Mew his favorites, his favorite food, clothing brand or shoes. She doesn't remember even just going out to the mall with him. She doesn't remember going out to a trip or even a family day. She doesn't remember even just having a talk with Mew, how was his day, his school, did he have any assignments that she could help, did he have any friends. And as much as she wanted to turn back time, she can't.

"Harry. It's not too late. Mew needs us. The two of us", Grace comforted her husband. She leaned in and gave him a tight hug.


A few minutes after Grace left, Lala came with food and was informed that her daughter-in-law went to her son. She sighed, knowing that she can't do anything about it. She may be harsh towards her son but it was because he did something wrong, even unforgivable to her but he's still her son and she'll love him no matter what. She just hopes that he'll admit to his wrong doings and make things right.

A few moments after, a knock was heard and the door was opened but they did not hear any word from the person who just came, whom they assume was Grace. Lala and Tharn who was in the living room, looked up to greet Grace but was faced with Harry carrying a basket of fruits and candies. With his head hung low, he mumbled, "M-mom... I-I.... I'm s-sorry..". Without missing a beat, Lala stood up and wrapped her arms around her son, "I'm glad you came." Harry, feeling emotional, burst more tears and dropped the basket, proceeding to hug his mother.


After that emotional moment, Harry didn't forget to apologize to his wife and his other son for his behavior, especially to Gulf to which it got the latter uncomfortable. Gulf may have a great first impression to them and he's getting close to Mew's mother but he still feels shy towards Harry. He was the father and was the one who runs the family, he is a bit intimidating and has a charismatic aura. Gulf was also a bit scared when he came across an angry Harry. He may or may not forgive him yet because he was the reason for Mew's insecurities, panic attacks, nightmares, everything...... but he also knows that he does not have the right because eventhough he is Mew's boyfriend, this was still a family matter, to be solved only within the family. He was an outsider. But he did feel lighthearted when he saw Harry feeding Mew and constantly talking with him, smiling and patting his head. Never would he imagine to see such thing but life really is interesting and unexpected.

"What are you thinking, Gulf?", Type suddenly slapped his older brother's shoulders to which Gulf jolted to. He came into his senses and looked behind him. He slapped Type's head and frowned, "It's P'Gulf to you"

"I have said it before and I'll say it again. Make me! You're my bestfriend's boyfriend"

"What does that have to with anything?"

"We're also in the same friend group so it's like we're in the same level"

"We will never be in the same level. Move.", Gulf shoved his little brother away to get himself tea. Type followed him and leaned to the counter.

"So? Do you think Mew's father is sincere?", Type crossed his arms and frowned, doubting Harry's behavior.

"What do you mean?"

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