Chapter 4: Lala is here

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For 2 weeks, Mew and Tharn just ignored each other, well, mostly Mew would while Tharn would smile at him if he has the chance. And in the span of 2 weeks, Mew had panic attacks mainly because of overthinking and stress about Tharn and other things which made Gulf feel like maybe having Tharn in the apartment was a bad idea but Lala was there to reassure him and gave him courage. He also got close to Tharn who was constantly asking him about Mew. At first, he was irritated but he could see in Tharn that he was trying to get to know about his brother to make up those years he wasted and he was gladly to help for Mew.

Now, Mew and Tharn are currently inside Gulf's car since Tharn was about to be late for his class so Gulf insisted on taking him to his school. Mew initially didn't want to but the kind person he is, he eventually agreed since he knew his brother was running late. There was silence inside the car with Tharn looking at Gulf calming Mew down by holding his hands through the ride although he lets go when needed. Gulf took Mew first to where he interns but before Mew got off, he took a peck on Gulf's cheek and smiled sweetly. They watched Mew as he walked inside the company before Gulf drove.

"Mew got into a big company?", Tharn asked curiously. "Ah, right, he didn't know. He probably thought Mew was working here", Gulf realized
"Ahh... there's something I didn't tell you actually", Gulf started as Tharn looked at him, waiting for him to speak, "That's the company where Mew interns. He enrolled as an Industrial Engineer student and this is his last year. He's a graduating student.", Gulf smiled at Tharn through the mirror.
"He was a student?", Tharn shockingly asked, "I thought he wanted to get away from us so he got a job here"
"Oh, he did want to be away. Being able to study IE was an opportunity so he took it"
"But there's Industrial Engineer in the Philippines"
"Do you think he would want to study in the Philippines knowing you are there? Your parents are there. Even Tu-... I mean Tar"
, Gulf cursed himself when he almost slipped out Tum's name. He knows he's Tharn's friend and he doubt he knows what Tum had done. On a red light, Gulf gripped his hand hard, trying not to tell Tharn the truth. He wanted Mew to tell Tharn personally although right now, there's a 0% chance Mew would talk to Tharn.

Mew's POV

It's now night time and both Tharn and Gulf were still not home. I'm all alone which made think about what's happening recently.

It has been 2 weeks since Tharn lived in our apartment and I don't think I could survive any more days. I already had panic attacks just by overthinking. Why would Tharn agree on this? Is he kind of like a spy? Is he going to tell? Even if he didn't tell, do they know? Did Lala told them? They wouldn't take me since they already disowned me. I don't even think I could carry the name 'Suppasit' anymore. Why would Lala do this anyway? I don't need them anymore. I only need Gulf. He is the only reason I'm living right now. I don't think I could ever live if Gulf too would leave me too.

The first time I saw Tharn, I suddenly thought about the things I suffered in the Philippines. Good thing Gulf was there to calm me down as he knows having Tharn in the apartment really bothers me. I don't ever want to experience it again, now that Gulf made me realize and experience life at its best. He is the best thing I could ever had. He is my life.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone knock on the door. I got confused since if it was Tharn, he would have spare key so why bother knocking. Nevertheless, I got up and opened the door.

"Mew, dear"
" Lala"
, I hug her so tight, obviously missing her
"Oh, I miss you so much dear", she hold up a bunch of paper bags, "I got you so much food and presents too", she chuckles
"That looks delicious Lala", I let her pass by and she sat on the couch with me tailing behind her.
"How are you dear? How's your internship?", she smiled at me so dearly like any grandmother would
"It's okay, they have been so kind to me. My luck"
"That's good. What about you and Tharn?"
, she asked gently, probably knowing how sensitive I am talking about any topic involving them
"We're okay", I mumbled
"Ignoring each other is not okay, dear"
"Tharn told you?"
"Gulf told me",
she immediately told me and sighed, "Mew, I know you're wondering why I do this but don't you think you have suffered enough? You need to tell Tharn the truth. You need to face them. If you don't want any connections with them then so be it but not like this, dear. They're accusing you some things you didn't even do, and you were not even aware of. You don't how many times I just want to slap my son for being so stupid and doing this to his own son."
"Lala, please don't"
, I cut her off with pleading eyes.
"See. This is why I couldn't.", she pointed to my eyes and sighed, "why are you so kind, Mew? You didn't do anything but be nice and friendly, be understanding and this is what you get?"

"You know I couldn't defend myself, Lala. I don't even have friends to do that for me. Tar broke up with me already at that time."

"Which wasn't your fault"

"Tharn was always the favorite one. They don't look at me all. Just that one time"
, I sadly uttered

"Yeah, when they disowned you", Lala sighed again. How many times have she sighed today?, "That's why I let Tharn live here, Mew. You need to talk to someone other than Gulf. He may help you but Tharn can help you more. It hurts seeing you like this, dear. You have to have the justice you deserve", Lala gave my hand a little squeeze as she smiled at me. I want to shout and scream. I want to talk but I don't want to be a burden. I don't want to see their faces pitying me. I'm scared.

Third Person POV

Lala was just there caressing her grandson's hands trying to let him know that she was there. Not just Gulf. Hopefully, Tharn would be too.

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