Chapter 14: Why?

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Tharn's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and checked out my appearance, sighing, not feeling myself to go out today. I'm headed out to see mom and dad and I intended to be early. I don't want Mew to accidentally see them if ever he'll go out and besides I had already talked to Gulf to accompany him today. I felt guilty that he had to cancel his practice but he said it's okay. I sighed one more time and went out of my room to see Gulf and Mew eating in front of the television.

"There's a dining room for a reason", I said while walking towards them

"But there's a new cartoon and it seems entertaining", Mew excused and pouted. What a cute brother I have. If only we were this close when we were younger.

Also, I am glad. He seems more comfortable with me now.

"Fine. But only for today", I walked to the kitchen to get myself some when I heard someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it", I heard Mew said and his footsteps.



It was quiet ...

Too quiet ....

Until... I heard a slap.

I sprinted to the door, worried for Mew and then I saw a horrifying sight.

"Mom, dad"

Third Person POV

Seeing Mew and Tharn's parents in the doorsteps and the slap Gulf heard, had him alarmed. He stood up and ran up to Mew who was on the floor holding his cheek that got slap, clearly shocked by the events.

"What are you doing here?!", Harry's (Mew and Tharn's Dad) angry voice surrounded the apartment. Gulf didn't dare to answer as Mew was more important to him.

Tharn walked to their parents trying to block them, "Mom, dad. I can explain", he was clearly nervous as sweats were already forming on his forehead

"What is the meaning of this, Tharn?! Why is that piece of sh*t here?!", Harry's voice was getting louder and louder to the point it could be heard from their neighbors.

"Dad, please calm down. This isn't the right time to-", "This is clearly the right time. He is not part of the family anymore. What are you doing associating with him? "

While Tharn and Harry was arguing, Gulf was getting worried as Mew started to hyperventilate, sweat was forming on his forehead and he was turning red. It was all coming back to Mew.

"You are a disgrace to this family"

"...You are my son no more"

"Such a disappointment"


It was all coming back. Mew was already shaking, hands on his ears and breaths were starting to get more rapid.

"Mew! Please! Look at me. Look at me, love", Gulf tried to be calm so as to not make the situation worse. He placed both of his hand on each side of Mew's face to force him to look at him but his eyes were already lost.

"Stop! Please, stop! I-it's not m-my f-fault. It was not me. STOP!", Mew was already screaming ang chanting. He was shaking more and shut his eyes.

"Please, Mew. Hear my voice, it's me Gulf. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here", Gulf tried to calm his boyfriend down as he tries not to obvious his panic, although, he was already crying.

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