Chapter 23: I thought we were bringing our boyfriends today?

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Fast forward to Mew's graduation, everyone was in their condo, waiting for Type and Mew to finish getting ready. Meanwhile, instead of staying in the living room with his parents and Mew's, Gulf stayed with Mew.

"Are you really okay leaving your parents with mine?", Mew chuckled seeing Gulf sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I just don't know how to act around her anymore", Gulf looked at Mew

"She just loved your father too much. Maybe a little obsessive but they've already gone pass that. Your mother has your step father now", Mew reasoned out

"I know but still... She made me believe that being gay was wrong, that they could ruin families, relationships and because of that, you...", Gulf stopped and just looked at his boyfriend straight in the eyes. He remembered his past actions and felt guilty, fully knowing on how Mew was used to be. "Besides.... she still hasn't accepted us", Gulf was close to crying, knowing this, he looked down to the floor not wanting his boyfriend to see him teary-eyed.

Mew sighed, understanding Gulf's worry. Not minding the crooked tie hanging around his neck, he walked over to his boyfriend and kneeled in front of him. He lifted up Gulf's chin, making their faces only inches close. "We can't please everyone, Gulf. We're still going to love each other whether she accepts us or not", Mew caressed his boyfriend's cheek lovingly, "Unless... you're gonna leave me", Mew pouted and used his puppy eyes. Gulf quickly reacted and gripped the hand that was on his cheek, "No! What makes you think I'm going to leave you?"

Gulf was worried that Mew have some thoughts and felt his heart beat so fast. He would never ever leave Mew even if his mother begged him to. He loves him too much to do that. "Then don't worry much of her accepting us. If she's going to accept us, then it's great. If not, we can't do anything about it. Like I told you, we can't please everyone, not even your mother. I'm your happiness, right? She knows enough not to tear you apart from your happiness.", Mew sweetly smiled at his boyfriend calming him down. It made Gulf think, "He's right. She may not accept us but she still let us be together". He then smiled and placed his arms on Mew's shoulder, "I'm sorry. We should be happy since it's your graduation but instead, I made you worry", he apologized with a pout as a bonus. Mew chuckled and wrapped his arms around him, caressing his head, "I love you"

"I love you too"


The graduation ceremony finished already, and the two families were taking pictures separately. Mew never felt so happy and grateful before. His parents were there in the flesh to his graduation. They were encouraging him with words he can't even imagine would come out from their mouths.

"We're so proud of you"

"We love you"

"We're so glad that you graduated with the course you want"

"We will always be here for you"

"Whatever decisions you make from now on, we're here to support you"

Never would Mew imagine that there would come a time like this. His parents were giving him attention and love like he always craved for. He had a rough path before he could be with his family this close. But here they are now.

"I'm so proud of you, baby. And you even got 1st honor", Grace kissed her son's cheek lovingly

"Thank you, mom". Ever since they left, they've been in constant contact which helped Mew get more comfortable with his parents. Gulf and the others also noticed that Mew had been happier since then and has not experienced any nightmares or panic attacks. Because of that, his consultation with Dr. Tong has lessen.

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