Chapter 15: Mom's explaination

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Tharn's POV

Ever since that morning, I didn't come out of my hotel room and just had my food delivered up to my room. Dad still didn't care while my mom was constantly knocking on my door trying to talk to me but I just don't have the energy right now to talk to anyone. It makes me wonder how Mew is. How is he doing? Did Gulf call me? What if Mew thinks I'm planning this? What will he think of me now? These thoughts are eating me up.


I stayed silent thinking that it was my mom again.

"Tharn, dear? It's me"


From lying down on the bed, I abruptly sat up and walked to the door. When I opened it, Lala came to sight, smiling at me, waving. It eased my heart and I smiled back at her but turned upside down when I saw mom behind her, with her head down. I felt pity and sad for my mother but when I thought that it was because of her and dad that did this to Mew, I didn't do anything.

"What is she doing here?", I opened my mouth, frowning.

"Don't be rude, Tharn. She's still your mother", Lala scolded me and went pass me. My mom was still by the doorsteps with me just looking at her

"What are you still doing outside, Grace? Come inside", I heard Lala yelling and I didn't have a choice but to give mom space to go inside.

I closed the door and saw Lala sitting on my bed with my mom standing by the bed. Setting aside my emotions, I cut to the chase and asked Lala about Mew's condition.

"He's still sleeping and I don't want to send Gulf home because your father's getting your stuffs"

I nodded, understanding the situation but there's still something that bugs me.

"But, Lala. How did they know where we live? I thought you didn't tell them"

"That.. I think your mother needs to explain that.", Lala looked at my mom and tried to encourage her to talk when I saw her reaching out to my mom's hands

With me, sitting beside Lala and my mom sitting on a chair in front of us, she took deep breath and started to talk.

"First thing first, Tharn. I was really sincere when I told you that I regretted it all. I really do. And it keeps me every night to know that Mew was getting farther away from us."

"Why would you do it anyways? You are the mother. You should know what's right and what's wrong."

"I know, Tharn. You were very sickly as a child so I gave more attention to you and Mew didn't mind it. In fact, he would always tell me to go to you because you need me more than he does. So I did. But it goes excessive. Even when you got better, I gave most of my attention to you. I gave you the toys you wanted, the clothes, everything. You got better grades than Mew so I gave you rewards for it because I wanted Mew to work harder but I didn't know that he misunderstood my intention. Because I was constantly comparing you two, I didn't know that it lowered his confidence, his self-esteem. And it continued until you two got into college. I know that Political Science was not in his interest but I thought that maybe it would be a challenge for him to finally be serious and work harder in life but he didn't until that happened. --------

Grace's POV


When my husband came home, he told me that he got an envelope and it seemed that it was about Mew but he didn't read it yet. So after we had our dinner, he finally opened it and was getting angrier the more he read it which made me curious until he stood up and went out of the room. I followed him and was lead to Mew's bedroom. He pounded on the door and Mew opened it up, instantly, he was met with a slap. I was shocked because it was the first time that Harry laid a hand to any our sons.

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