Chapter 2: Living Together

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Gulf's POV

"You know me?", Tharn curiously asked with his head tilted a little. Just like my Mew. How cute, now I miss him. Shit, Gulf, let's not talk about that now.
"Aahhh.. You... I mean... You're Mew's twin right?"
"You know Mew? Then, is this the right apartment? This is his right?"
Tharn pointed to the door in front of him
"Yes, actually, I live here too"
, Tharn looked down while nodding his head. Wait, what is my reply to 'Oh'? Do I have to say anything? Shit. Just say anything.
"Uhm, Mew isn't here right now. If you can..."
"No,no,no. Maybe, I'll just come here another time. Thank you"

Tharn cut me off and hurriedly walked off, with me just looking at him until he disappeared.

What the f*ck is he doing here? Now, he even knows our address. What is he going to do? Go tell their parents or something? Oh my gosh, what if they'll take Mew away? From what Mew told me, they don't know that he's studying here, only their grandmother knows as she is the one paying for Mew's tuition as well as allowance. Wait, did Lala (grandmother) told them? I mean, she couldn't have, Mew trusts her not to tell anything. F*ck. This is driving me crazy.

Putting my thoughts aside, I went inside the apartment and cooked for our dinner to divert my thoughts about Tharn.

Third Person POV

Gulf was in the living room waiting for Mew to come home with snacks as they were about to watch a movie they've always wanted to see. He was all alone, changing channels, thinking about Mew's twin. It has been a few days since Gulf saw Tharn but still, he didn't have the heart to tell Mew about it because he didn't want to worry him, he also didn't want to call Lala because he's scared to know why Tharn was here in the first place. He sighed and continue flipping the channels.

Gulf phone started ringing and when he looked it up, it was Lala.
"Hello, Lala"

"Oh. Gulf,dear. Are you with Mew right now?"

"No, Lala. He's out buying some snacks. Is there a matter?"

"Well, actually, dear. There is"

This has made Gulf nervous, thinking it might be about Tharn.

"It's about Tharn. Mew's twin. You know him, right?"

And there it is. Cold sweat was forming on Gulf's forehead, thinking about the possibilities.

"Ah.. yes.. what's with him?" Gulf tried to hide his nervousness and act like he didn't just saw him a few days
"The thing is. Tharn is actually taking up his Master's degree in Thailand. He's doing good but his apartment is too far from his school. It became inconvenient for him"
"What are you saying, Lala?"
Although Gulf already had a clue on where the conversation is going, he still need to check
"Can he stay at your apartment for a while?"


"My son, Mew and Tharn's father told me that they haven't seen any vacant apartment around the area and I think that maybe it's time for them to talk so I suggested your apartment"

"So their parents know Tharn will be staying at Mew's?"

"No, dear. I just told them that one of my client's son is living in Thailand, but I told Tharn and he had been nervous ever since. He was supposed to go there a few days ago to inform you and Mew.",

"Oh, so that's why he was here", Gulf muttered silently

"I met him a few days ago but he walked away immediately"

"Really? He must've been nervous."


"I'm sorry dear. I forgot to tell you and ask. I just thought that maybe this could be a chance for them to talk"

"No,no,no. It's fine by me Lala. But... Mew? .... I don't think he would be happy about this"

"I know, that's why I'm asking you now. You can be there for Mew, right?"

"Of course, Lala. Always"

"Thank you, Gulf. I'm really happy Mew met you. He has someone other than me to be there for him"

"I'm happy too Lala that I met him"

"Then, I think that's all. Kindly tell Mew that I love him and I'm doing this for him, okay? Love you dear"

Gulf's POV

Now what?

I really don't know what to do right now. This is too much for me. I just saw Tharn twice, one by the street and one, in front of the apartment and now he had to live with Mew and I.

Holy Shit. MEW.

He wouldn't be happy with this. Not one bit. If this is too much for me, what more to Mew. What if he'll get more nightmares because of this? What happened in the Philippines still haunts him and now it's living with him. Oh my Mew.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Is that Mew?

"Mew? Love? Is that you? You don't have to knock. It's open"
I got up from the couch, walking towards the door. I opened the door and there revealed ...... Tharn.
"Uhh, Hi... I'm sorry if I suddenly come here"

Wait, is he moving in right now? Wait, did Lala said something about Tharn moving in right now? Shit, I didn't ask her and now Tharn is here?

"Oh no, it's okay. Lala told me about your situation so......."

Say something Gulf, you little shit.

"...why don't you come in?"

"Sorry for the intrusion"
, Tharn took of his shoes and dragged his luggage to the living room. I could see Tharn slightly fidgeting in place.

"You can sit on the couch. Just feel at home"

Tharn thanked me and went on to sit on the couch while I got him a glass of water. When, I came back to the living room, I placed the glass in front of him and sat beside him.

"So, let me formally introduce myself. I'm Gulf Kanawut, a football coach in ******** University"

"Oh, I'm Tharn Suppasit, currently taking up my Master's Degree, Mew's twin. I'm sorry about how I acted a few days ago. It's just that I was nervous. Lala told me you are Mew's lover. I'm sorry for the intrusion"

"No, no, no, it's okay. I mean, we have a spare room. At least, it can be use now. Why don't I show you so you can unpack and shower?"

I stood up and lead him to the room just beside ours. I turned on the lights and went into the room.

"I'm sorry I didn't have the time to clean the room. I didn't know you were moving in right now."

"It's okay. I can manage"

"Well then, I'll leave so you can unpack?"

I looked at him and smiled

"Thank you, Khun Gulf"

"Just Gulf is fine"

He smiled back at me before I go out of the room and sat back on the couch. Now that's over, what will I do about Mew? He will come home any minute now.


I heard my name being shouted and a door opening so I got up and welcome Mew.

"Did you buy the snacks?"

Mew smiled and showed me a bunch of chips and biscuits but before he could pass through me, I held on to his arms which made him stop.
"What's the matter?"
"Well... Mew... I have something to say"

He tilted his head a little as he waited for me to say something. While I'm here gathering some courage, fidgeting a little in my little space, I heard a door opening and instantly knew which is it from so I turned around which made Mew follow my moves. I heard the snacks fell on the ground, so I turned back to my lover and saw his disbelief. Mew then looked at me with pleading eyes, wanting me to explain what is happening.

Oh Love, please have courage. Maybe one of the ways for you to finally be free of worries is for you to actually face the reason for having it. Lala knows this so she's doing this for you, Mew. Tharn is only the Level 1 of it but I hope you'll get through it so you can be truly happy. 

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