Chapter 18: Can't go home

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Because Grace and Harry were still not in good terms, Lala let her sleep in her hotel room while Tharn slept at Type's apartment as he don't want to face his father.

"Don't you have any roommates?", Tharn ask as he trailed behind Type, who was arranging his laptop and papers on his table.

"Uhhmm, nope. I didn't like some of my roommates before. There was one dude who's good at carving but they were all girls with big boobs and he keeps whispering to it and kissing it. So creepy. There was also one time where this dude keeps asking me to take his booger out of his nose, like, why would I take his booger out of his nose? Can't he do it himself?", Type chattered, "Feel at home. It's been a while since I've had some company", he said as he finally cleared out the table.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here for the night", Tharn took a sit on the couch while Type went to the kitchen to get some beverage for him.

"No worries. You're my friend. It's like a sleepover"

"You have any beer?", Tharn eyed tiredly to Type when he placed a glass of water in front him.

"You may be stressed but beer isn't going to help you out, Tharn", Type sat beside him and crossed his arms

"*sigh* I know. I just... don't know what to do anymore. I don't understand why dad just can't accept Mew. Aren't parents supposed to be forgiving? And now mom and dad are having a fight", Tharn grabbed a fistful of his hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry but I'm not really good at advising people but I can listen", Type smiled trying to send a message that he'll lend his ears, "It's better to let it out than to hold it inside you"

"Thanks Type", Tharn genuinely smiled, happy that he has someone to talk to. With that, Tharn and Type talked all evening with Type listening and giving Tharn a pat on the shoulder from time to time. He also voiced out on his opinions although he was entirely careful to what he's saying until Tharn fell asleep on Type's shoulder. Type looked over his shoulder and carefully placed Tharn's head on his lap. He looked down and saw tears, still on Tharn's eyes. He wiped it and caressed his hair, "What am I feeling, Tharn? Why am I so attracted to you? We don't even know each other that much. Should I even be feeling like this? You're my friend's brother", Type sighed once again and faced the ceiling with his hand still on Tharn's hair.


When Type woke up, he realized that he was in his room, with new comfortable clothes. He suddenly blushed knowing that Tharn was the one who clothed him. He felt his heart racing and his temperature rising that he's sure he's having flushed cheeks right now.

"Oh, you're already awake"

Type jolted and faced the door where Tharn was.

"Take a shower and have some breakfast. I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen", Tharn smiled

"I.. don't... mind..", Type then coughed and hurriedly got out of his bed, "I'll go take a shower now"

Type ran to the bathroom and had his back against the door when he closed it. He placed his hand on his chest still feeling his heart racing and tried to calm down, "Ugh, this is not the right time to act like a teenage girl in love, Type", he scolded himself. He took an ample amount of time in the shower and when he got out, he acted like nothing happened and ate his breakfast with Tharn. After everything was set, the dishes were washed and Tharn finished his shower, they went and head out to the hospital.


"Good Morning, Ma'am, ", Type greeted. "Why ma'am? You can call me Khun Mae. You're like part of our family", Grace let out a motherly smile which Type instantly felt comfortable with her. "Yes Khun Mae", Type smiled back at her, "Where's Lala?", "She went out to pay the hospital bills and signed some papers so Mew can be discharge", Gulf answered

Just the perfect timing, Lala opened the door and informed them that they could be discharged already but it seems that they have forgotten something.

"So.. where will we stay?", Tharn asked

"I forgot. You can't stay at the apartment anymore", Gulf gasped in realization. Harry already knows where they live, it might be a bad idea to stay there.

"You can stay at my place. I have an extra room", Type suggested

"Are you sure? We don't want to impose on you or anything", Tharn tried to talk Type out of it

"What are you saying? You are my friends, Mew, especially. Friends help each other"

"Thank you Type. Mew and Gulf will stay at your place for the time being and Grace will stay with me. We don't want anything to happen to you Gulf so stay with them or the mean time, okay?", Lala spoke out

"Then let's go?", Type faced Mew's family

"You guys can go. I'll go take my luck and go to the apartment to get some clothes for Mew and I", Gulf stated

"Are you sure? I can lend you some clothes. We don't know what will happen now especially Khun Mae is not in good terms with him", Type looked at Gulf, clearly worried that he might run into Harry

"It's fine and besides, I can defend myself", Gulf smiled trying to ease everyone's worry. He faced Mew and cup his face, "I'll be back". Despite the stares, he kissed Mew's cheek in front of his family and smiled at him. He then waved and went off to their apartment while the remaining went to Type's apartment which was on the opposite road.

When they arrived, their friends were already there. It seems that Gulf informed them. "Mew", they called out an instant, all of the circled around Mew, "So, it's true?", Kaownah waved his hand in front of Mew's face. "Don't do that", Turbo scolded and swatted his boyfriend's hand. "How long will he stay like this?", Mild asked. "That...", Type paused a bit before continuing, "It might take time because that will be up to Mew. It seems that he shut off and created another world inside his head. He was too hurt and to avoid that, he's like this."

They were too occupied with Mew that they have forgotten about Lala and Grace who was just behind their beloved friend, Mew and Turbo was the one who first noticed them. He wai-ed and greeted which caught the attention of the other two. "We're sorry, we didn't notice you, Lala and you must be Mew's mother. Nice to meet you, ma'am", Mild greeted kindly. "It's nice to see Mew's friends coming to visit", "We're sorry we couldn't visit while he was in the hospital. I had work and they have internships", Mild bowed to Grace. "That's fine, as long as you're here", Grace smiled and patted Mild's shoulder.

They proceeded to enter Type's apartment with Type,Mild, Kaownah and Turbo chatting with Mew in the living room while Lala and Grace were in the kitchen. A little after, Gulf came, delighted to see all their friends.

As what the doctor suggested, they constantly talk to Mew despite the lack of reaction. Of course, they were all talking about the fun things especially in school. Grace and Tharn were obviously all ears, happy that Mew found these fantastic friends. Mild, as the funny guy of the group had some jokes up on his sleeves and stories, unlimited of them with Kaownah backing up. Type and Turbo could only shake their heads at their silliness.

It was a normal day for them, they talked and eat, having a fun time until they realized that it was already late. It was decided that of course, Mew and Gulf would be in the same room and Tharn would be with Type to which he got flustered and unfortunately for him, Gulf noticed it and smirked at him. Type tried to act clueless and quirked his eyebrow on him. "Do you like him?", Gulf mouthed and Type blushed, looking around to see if Tharn was in sight. "Jerk", he mouthed back and entered his room with a smile on his face.

Since all of them slept late, they also woke up late the next day. As they were preparing for their breakfast slash lunch, they heard shouting outside. "I'll go check it out", Type stated. He walked and open the door, only popping his head out. As he saw the situation, he widen his eyes and quickly shut the door. He ran to where Gulf and Tharn was, "Tharn. Your father's here. He's arguing with your mom"

"What?!", Hearing this, Tharn ran up to the door and opened it. There it was, his dad gripping his mom's wrist, forcing her to go with him.

"Dad! What are you doing?" 

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