Episode 1.6: Whistleblower

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W A S H I N G T O N ,  D. C.

   After fleeing the Pentagon, John and Lemar hid by the Potomac River.  Taking their clothes out of the rental truck, they changed out of their suits and into their civilian attire. Munching on an granola bar shoved up inside the glove box, John pulled out his phone and called one of war buddies who was an expert of tracking people down. He was especially good at tracking vigilantes. "Hey man, it's John. We're gonna need your help. We need you to find either Sam Wilson, James Barnes, or Sharon Carter," he informed him.

Scratching his shaggy red hair, John's buddy typed into his computer as they waited for a few minutes. His self-built cyber-scanning device could not pick up any trace of them, other than the hotel they had previously been at. "It says they were at this hotel in Queens."

"They probably left that after we figured them out there. Anything else?"

"No man. Nothing else is popping up. They may as well be dead."

"Well, they're not," John scoffed.

"Got any friends of theirs?"

"Hmm...well what Avengers are still alive? There's um...that crazy Maximoff kid. There's that bow and arrow guy."

"Thor," his buddy offered.

"Ant-Man," Lemar chuckled.

"Well, try that Maximoff girl," John instructed his buddy.



   "Give me a minute, John."

   After a few minutes, his buddy did find something.  "Says here she's in Brooklyn on Liberty Ave."

   "Great.  Maybe she knows where the hell they are.  Thanks again, Derek," John said, throwing his wrapper on the ground.

   "Sure thing, John."

   John then patted Lemar's shoulder and nodded at him.  "If we're gonna kill Ross and Zemo, we're gonna need their help...and maybe some convincing," John said, causing Lemar to smirk mischievously.

and maybe some convincing," John said, causing Lemar to smirk mischievously

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C L I N T ' S F A R M

It had only been a couple of days after Bucky attended his sister's funeral. It was two long days and two long nights. Nearly all the time, he thought of her, and the time they were robbed of. He wept. It seemed like his eyes would surely dry out eventually, but the tears kept flowing. He stopped training Sam, Sharon, and Meredith after finding out about his sister and just stayed in the house all day, staring at the floor. Everyone tried to console him, but it was of no use. 

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