Episode 2.2: New Recruit

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B U C K Y ' S A P A R T M E N T
M I D  A P R I L

A little over a month had passed since the final Patriots' rally. The team had a few small missions here and there, but they were mostly given a break. Coming home from one, Bucky and Sharon entered their apartment, slumping in and crashing onto the couch. Bucky laid back into it as Sharon curled up next to him. He stroked her hair as she laid her head on his bulging chest. He liked to wrap the curls around his fingers loosely and follow them through to their ends. They were so soft and golden.

As he played with her hair, she slowly unzipped his suit and rubbed his chest and undershirt. Below her fingers was a calm and steady thumping. He was at peace in her presence. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he spoke, his voice low and raspy, "You did great today. Kicked that guy's ass."

"He didn't have one to kick," she joked, causing him to chuckle, the hearty sound filling her with joy.

"Sharon," he said, slowly sitting up and taking her hands.

"Yeah?" She asked, sitting up as well.

"I love you," he admitted, rubbing her sore knuckles with his thumbs.

Tears sprang from her eyes as a smile quickly appeared on her face. Her smile was bright despite her exhaustion. "I love you too, James," she said.

"God, I love when you say that," he said, leaning in for a kiss. "Margaret," he whispered her middle name in a sexy, low voice.

"Don't. It's Sharon," she corrected.

"Noted," he said, pressing another kiss to her lips.

He then pulled her legs onto his lap, firmly gripping her thighs as his lips tangled with her own. Aiding him, she pulled off his blue suit and tossed it aside, rubbing her hands against his thin, black undershirt. She started pulling at it as his lips moved to her cheek and then to her jaw. He soon realized, smirked, and pulled off the shirt. They stopped for a moment as her fingers traced the muscles across his torso and arms. She came to where the metal met the flesh, tracing her fingers along with scarred tissue. "I hate it," he said.

"I don't. Scars show resilience...and they're sexy," she said, pressing her lips softly against the scarred tissue.

His breath hitched as he watched her press little kisses along the scar. "Are they now?" He asked.

"They are to me," she said.

"Well, let me see yours so I can...evaluate," he teased as she gave him a playful glare.

"You just want this suit off me," she said.

"We've been dating for three months...I think I'm ready to finally see you naked!" He said, causing her to giggle.

"I think I'm ready too," she said.

Teasing her, he leaned in slowly, extending his lips towards her. He's such a tease, she thought. Getting frustrated, she pulled him in, locking their lips. He parted slightly only to speak, "Ooh, someone's impatient," he joked, receiving a playful slap on the arm.

She stood from the couch, yanked his hands, and pulled him off the seat. "Yeah, I am impatient," she said, pulling him into another kiss.

He smirked against her lips as his hands wandered her back. Yanking at his pants, she guided him into his bedroom and shut the door despite no one else being there. She didn't like open doors. It meant she didn't have more time to prepare for whatever came through the door. She was always prepared. He came towards her with a huge grin, his pointer finger and thumb pinching the zipper on her catsuit. He raised a brow at her for approval and she smirked back. Slowly he pulled the zipper down to her utility belt. Superhero suits were cumbersome, especially when you really had to go to the bathroom or you wanted to make love to your significant other.

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