Episode 2.5: Struggle

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A/N: Wow, so they made Sharon a villain. I cannot believe it. My biggest fear on the show was realized. I really hope she's a Skrull or some other retcon because that thing is not Sharon. Well, I can assure you that I will not butcher her like that. I'm not perfect, but I will not make Sharon a rude, evil, and power hungry crime leader/Power Broker. Anyways, enjoy the story.

A/N: Very dark subject matter throughout the chapter.

   It had been a couple days since Sharon jumped into the bay, nearly drowning herself.  She had stayed home for the next couple of days, being comforted by Bucky.  He wouldn't leave her.  It almost annoyed her, but she understood.  A couple days after, she called her parents, then Sam and Kate about what had happened.  She assured them that she couldn't even go through with it, and she didn't want to die anymore; she just wanted the pain to end.  She went over to her parents and assured them that she just misunderstood herself.  She didn't want to die, she only wanted the pain to end.

   Back home with Bucky, she went to bed earlier than usual.  She claimed she was just exhausted.  She showered, brushed her teeth, and got ready for bed.  Once she settled into bed, she was held by Bucky in his comforting arms.  He pressed kisses to her skin and brushed his fingers along until she fell asleep.  Then, she remembered the names.

   John did too.  After he ran from Siberia, he found an inn in Blagoveshchensk, Russia.  Every night since, he had slept on the old mattress planted on the floor of his room.  It smelled musty.  It beat sleeping on rocks and boulders, but it was no picnic having to sleep on it with some of the springs poking out.  After he scarfed down his dinner, he took a shower in the moldy bathroom and got ready for another night filled with scarce sleep and plenty of night terrors.  He turned out the light, curled up into a ball under the ragged blanket and tried to keep warm as he attempted to fall asleep.  Every night he remembered the names. 

   Every night they remembered the names: Ethan Browne, Rachel Browne, Owen Browne, Sasha Martin, Jon Richardson, Aiko Takahashi, Kenji Takahashi, Jiro Takahashi, Karim Momin, Khaliq Momin, Natalia Ortolano, César Briseno, Lionel Beck, Emily Beck, Charles Beck.  The names started to blur and merge.  There were too many names to remember. 

   Then they remembered their faces.  They remembered their terrified faces, especially of the children.  They remembered their screams of terror and of pain.  Their bodies started to tremble in sleep, and then they started to twitch and thrash.  Then suddenly, they shot upwards, awake. 

   Sharon woke up crying, sweaty, and breathing heavily as Bucky wrapped his arms around her. 

   John woke up crying, sweaty, and breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms around himself. 

   She shook in his arms.

   He shook in his own arms.

   A kiss was pressed against her temple.

   His hands pressed against his temples, softly rubbing. 

   "C'mon Shar, it's okay.  It's okay.  I'm here.  I'm here.  C'mon.  You got this.  Breathe," he whispered to her as she eased down, breathing slower. 

   "C'mon John!  C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, C'MON!" He screamed, banging the mattress with his clenched fists, shaking his head.  "Shit..." he cursed as his hands trembled with sweat dripping from his locks of hair. 


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