Episode 1.5: An Old Friend

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A  F E W  D A Y S  E A R L I E R

Just before Sam, Sharon, and Bucky left Wanda's apartment, she stopped them at the door, giving them all a tight and lingering hug. They all smiled at her. Leaning against the door frame, she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "You guys have a place to stay right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Pretty nice hotel," Sam answered.

"Well, if you wanna stay somewhere nice for free I can give you Clint's number. He might be able to help you out," she offered.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks Wanda," Sam said.

Wanda then took a notepad and a pencil and penned down Clint's phone number. She handed the slip of paper to Sam who stuffed it in his pocket and nodded. "Last time I talked to him he was on run with someone named Kate Bishop, so no telling where he is now," she shrugged.

"I'll drive this time. Sharon here is little bit of a speed demon," Sam teased, pointing at her with his thumb and causing Wanda to chuckle.

"I am not!" She protested. "Bucky?"

"I think you drive fine. That's all I'm saying," Bucky mumbled.

"Anyway, good luck on your last mission. This will clear your name right?" Sam asked Wanda.

"Yep," she nodded. "It's a shame that didn't work out for you guys. Be careful please."

"We will be safer now that Sharon isn't driving-" Sam said before Sharon smacked his arm.

"Samuel Wilson..."

"Bye Wanda. Thanks again," Bucky said with a smile.

"Of course. Bye guys."

C L I N T ' S F A R M ,  M I S S O U R I

   Washing a couple dishes, Clint Barton's phone buzzed in his pocket.  He groaned slightly, turned off the faucet and wiped his hands dry.  Fishing it out of his pocket, he looked at the unknown number, scoffed, but decided to answer anyhow.  "Yeah?  Who's this?" He asked as she glanced over at Kate Bishop cleaning off the crumbs on the kitchen table.

   "This is Sam Wilson."

   "Oh hey, Sam.  How are you, man?"

   "I'm good.  You?"

   "I'm good, I'm good.  Trying to lay low," he said, trying not to scratch a small cut on his face. 

   "Cool, man.  Um...you mind doing me a favor?"

   "What's that?" Clint asked, petting Lucky the dog on the head. 

   "Me and my friends need a place to stay.  Free of charge of course.  We're kind of burning through money," Sam responded.

   "How many?"

   "Um well me, Bucky, Sharon, Steve, and our new friend Meredith."

   "Steve's still alive?"

   "Yep, just old now.  Is there anything you can do?"

   "Yeah, um...you can stay in one of kid's rooms.  Obviously you can't stay in my room.  Off limits, but um...no, I'm kidding though.  I'll take the couch.  Kate's got my daughter's room.  Then there's my sons' room and a guest room which is small.  Built that room after Ultron," Clint told him.

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