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~chapter fifty nine~


Karter leads me to the entrance of the building and then we walk into a softly lit beautiful restaurant. "Table for two under the name Cain." Karter says and the young women looks through her big book.

"Right this way sir." The girl leads the way towards a big beautifully decorated table, it has red petals everywhere and the many forks and knifes, there's a bucket with what looks like champagne.

"Thank you." I say in Karter's place as he walks me over to my seat pulling it out for me to take a seat then pushes it in with me in the seat. A waitress in uniform comes up to us with two menus in hand.

"I'm Lisa and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Here are tonight's menus," she hands us both huge dark menus then distances herself form us.

"Why are you so far away?" I ask Karter two like five feet away thanks to the big ass table.

"So you don't try anything." He looks at his menu and then I do the same. The menu is filled with posh foods that I don't even know how to pronounce making me scrunch my face kinda confused.

I hear Karter chuckle in the distance making me look up at him, I put my menu down and Lisa comes back and starts opening the champagne bottle for us then pours it in our glasses.

I thank the waitress and then pick my glass up sipping it a little, I's not the best and I personally wouldn't drink this ever again. I think my face gives it away that I don't like like when Karter signals the girl over.

"Get her some pink lemonade." He orders and she smiles then disappears.

"Is this a human restaurant?" I ask him when the girls out of ear shot.

"Yes but the owners a vampire." He says and I nod to him.

"You slept yesterday...thought you said you weren't the sleeping type." I look up at him.

"I've had a pretty packed three days."

"Doing what?" I ask not sure if I'm really ready for the answer.

But when he does answer it isn't as bad as I predicted, he tells me he had to hunt some people down and it wasn't an easy fight, he tells me that he had to air a family meeting letting them know about Benedict.

He keeps going on about some undone business he has to do and I know that he's sugar coding so he doesn't say the blunt words "I have to kill them." to me, I still have mixed feeling about Karter being a killer but I guess I have no choice but to live with it.

I know for a fact Kate wouldn't approve of this, she would tell me to drop him and Ali would just back her up with undeniable facts and I'd have no choice but to drop him. But I don't have that. I'm surrounded by vampires in the protection of the vampire I'm in love with.

When we finish dinner the waiter comes to us with a cheque and a smile, the moment she hands Karter the cheque the restaurant starts to fire up with bullets and gun fire.

I watch the waitress duck as Karter flips the table putting on its side "GET DOWN!" He shouts a I dive behind the table covering my head for protection, I spin my head around looking for Karter.

I look around and see different couples behind tables covering there heads, men trying to console their women. I look over to see Karter with a gun shooting back...of course.

The shooting die down and two voices are left, Karter and the anonymous speaker. "We meet again." The speaker says and by the tone I can tell they are all to happy to see Karter.

"Where is she? You human lover?" The voice asks.

"She's behind that table." Karter says catching me completely off guard, did he just-? "But I strongly suggest you leave her alone."

"We have strict orders to-" a gun shot goes off and then hear him drop with a loud 'thud'

"Sorry? You didn't finish." I hear a female giggle then two more shots are fired and I'm guessing two other men drop "Miss me?" I can tell by that voice that it's Benedict.

She just loves a grand entrance. Karter takes out a hand I take it putting our hands together, I stand to see the floor stained with blood and body's. Karter leads me out in a hurry clearly not wanting me to see what happened.

We reach the car and he opens the door for me then closes it "Get her out of here." He says to Ted and I roll down my window.

"Karter! Wait no!" I try shout but we're already driving off, the window rolls up itself and I'm guessing Ted did that. I sit almost in shock. "Ted where are we going?" I ask him and he just looks at me through the rear view mirror.

"To a safe house." He finally says after some silence.

"What's Karter doing? Why won't he let me stay?" I press demanding answers "Can we go back?"

"I have orders to keep you away from there."

"Is he going to stay there? What if they come back with bigger and badder people?" I keep asking more and more questions and soon realize that I'm not gonna get any answers form Ted, he's probably not even aloud to talk to me.

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